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Transcribed by Eva Swain Hughes

The Gallipolis Journal
November 20, 1873

     Dr. B. F. Holcomb, formerly of this county, has permanently located in Jackson.

     W. L. Liston, a Gallia boy, is teaching school at Rutland, Meigs county.
Amos Ripley, Jr., has been attached to the police force of our city, vice Samuel Cole resigned.

     The trial of Sam'l. J. Langley, for shooting with intent to kill, took place before 'Squire Menager, on Friday. After a full examination the accused was discharged.

     Preliminary Hearing.—One Michael H. Woolweaver made affidavit before Esq. Menager, last week, charging Wash. Viney and Fred. Holmes, two colored men of our city, with receiving the gold watch stolen from Mr. A. Hess, jeweler of Pt. Pleasant, on the 7th of last July. Upon the affidavit being made they were arrested and released upon $150 bail each. The watch is said to have been stolen by one Mag. Dennis, a former fille de joie of this city. The affidavit charges that Viney and Holmes bought and received the watch, valued at $100, knowing the same to have been stolen, with intent then and thereby to defraud Mr. Hess. The accused will have an opportunity to prove themselves innocent before Esq. Menager to-day (Wednesday). The punishment, upon conviction, for this offense—the property being valued at more than $35—is imprisonment in the penitentiary for not more than seven, nor less than one year.

The Gallipolis Journal
November 27, 1873

     Rachael Waugh, wife of George Waugh, of Harrison township, who is 83 years of age, made a quilt of small pieces, without the use of glasses. Verily our grand dams excel our modern dam-sels.

     The police appeared on duty Saturday in their new uniform—a military dress coat and cap. Being good looking men, they make a very martial appearance.

     On Wednesday of last week, the day fixed for the hearing of the Viney-Holmes case, for purchasing stolen property, Mr. Hess, the man who lost the watch spoken of by us last week, failed to appear and prosecute. Hence Esq. Menager discharged the accused.

     Dr. Reuben A. Vance arrived in this city from his European trip on Friday evening last.

The Gallipolis Journal
December 3, 1873

     On Saturday night, the 22d ult., some fellow removed two panes of glass from the window in the Crown City post office, and then removed the inside fastenings. After this he stepped in and helped himself to $12 and a lot of postage stamps, which were in the drawer. No one suspicioned as yet.

     Gone South — Messrs. Charles Newsom and Fred. Newsom, sons of Mr. J. L. Newsom of our city, left on Saturday, on  the steamer Julia, for Arkansas. They go thither to hunt and trap, taking with them all the requisites for camp life. May they be successful.

     Fire on Sunday — About two o'clock on Sunday afternoon an alarm of fire was sounded by the ringing of church bells, and it was soon discovered that the dwelling house occupied by Capt. Tobe Spencer, at the lower end of Front street, was on fire. Our citizens rushed to the spot and soon had everything taken from the burning building. The Fire Department was on the ground at an early moment, and, though laboring under many disadvantages soon had the fire extinguished. The roof and upper story of the building were burned off, and considerable damage done the lower story by water. Great credit is due our firemen, who worked like heroes, and notwithstanding the length of time the fire had been burning, and the difficulty of getting the hose to bear upon the flames, they speedily extinguished it. The building belonged to Mr. Charles Creuzet, and was insured in the Phoenis Insurance Company, at Hartford, for $1200. The total damage will perhaps not exceed $500.

The Gallipolis Journal
December 4, 1873

We hear that a shooting scrape occurred near the line of Gallia and Lawrence counties, on Thursday of last week, in which two Gallia boys played a conspicuous part, one of them being badly injured.  It appears to run about thus:  Thomas Simmerman and a West Virginian—whose name we failed to learn—got into some difficulty at Waterloo, a few days before the shooting, concerning a coat trade in which they engaged.  On Wednesday they again met near Arabia, Lawrence county, and renewed the difficulty.  While the quarrel was in progress, Henry Simmerman, a brother of Tom. interfered, and a quarrel commenced between the Virginian and Henry, resulting in the former drawing a revolver and shooting Henry in the abdomen.  The Virginian was arrested, and tried on Friday, the result of the investigation not being known.  Henry lies in a precarious condition.  The Simmerman boys formerly lived in Patriot, where their parents still reside, and are known to be peaceable, honest boys.  We regret to be compelled to chronicle the above.

After New Year's Day you can register a letter containing money for eight cents, instead of fifteen as now.

Mr. J. Wesley Cherington returned Sunday night from a week's visit to Portsmouth and McArthur.  He represents the railroad work in Vinton county as progressing finely.

Eighteen couples of our young folks went up to Pomeroy on Steamer Ohio No. 4 on a dancing excursion.  They reported a good time.

The little steamer Jesse collided with the Arlington on the 24th ult., at Louisville, Ky.  The Jesse was considerably damaged but will be repaired.

Judge Nash's new work on Pleading and Practice has appeared in print.  Two volumes comprise the work, and it is spoken of highly by the bench and bar.  Price $15.

Capt. Drouillard, sen., returned from his deer hunt in the Virginia mountains, Tuesday evening.  He met with poor success, owing to numerous snow storms, and his young camper giving out before reaching the best hunting ground

Tuesday Evening's Council.—Bills to the amount of $1129.96 were presented and allowed.  Mostly for curbing.  Wharfmaster submitted his report for the quarter ending Dec. 1, showing amount be $788.75.  Report accepted and filed.  Committee on wharfage reported in favor of changing the Ordinance regarding lumber on the wharf.  Solicitor ordered to prepare a new one.  On motion the wharfmaster is to be allowed fifteen per cent on all wharfage collected hereafter.  The committee on gas was instruced to allow the lamps on the wharf to burn longer than at present.  The hose question was up.  The Committee on Fire Department was instructed to make inquiries concerning purchasing more and better hoses.  Moses R. Matthews was appointed a member of the regular police force, vice Judson Williams resigned.  Appointment confirmed.  [The hose belonging to the Fire Department bursted [sic] during Sunday's fire.  Pressure too great.]

 Hon. Jno. W. McCormick left on the Telegraph on Monday morning, the attend the Constitutional Convention, which met in Cincinnati on Tuesday.

The Gallipolis Journal
December 11, 1873

The brass band here has ordered a new set of Horns, seven in number.  They are something new, as well as novel, in that department of music.  They are the invention of Mr. Robert Gates, of this city, and are patented.  The peculiarity consists in a combination of valves, &c., by which pieces can be played in any degree of the chromatic scale.  They are being manufactured by George Quimby, of Boston, Mass.  They will be the first of the kind ever made, and will, if they prove what the inventor claims for them, work a revolution in brass instruments.  In view of the critical taste of Mr. Gates, in musical matters, we have every reason to believe they will prove a success.

Suit Against the City.—On Tuesday Mrs. Cynthia Burk, living on Front street, filed her petition in the Clerk's office, asking a judgment of $5,000 against the city as damages received by her from falling into the ditch along Front street, between Cedar and Spruce, the night of the 15th of last August.  The petition alleges that the city dug a trench from four to six feet deep along Front street, leaving a space of twelve feet between the trench and the fence, which space was, through the negligence of the city, suffered to wear, cave and fall off.  Mr. White, City Solicitor, waived service and entered an appearance for the city.

Mrs. Sally Switzer, widow of the late John Switzer, of Addison township, was stricken with paralysis on Monday evening.  On Tuesday she was in a  very precarious condition.

Francis d'Hebecourt, whose biography we published last week, was a brother-in-law of J.P.R. Bureau and of Francis LeClercq, the three having married sisters, daughters of Peter Marret.  They were all among the original French settlers of this city.

Messrs. Hamilton and Aleshire have finished painting their new wharfboat, and are now prepared to do all business connected with receiving, forwarding, etc., of goods.

The Gallipolis Journal
December 18, 1873

J. M. Guthrie, Esq., has sold his fine large cooper shop, with stock to Messrs. Hooper & Swisher.  Mr. Guthrie gave employment to from ten to fifteen hands who turned out a great number of both slack and tight barrels per day, and of the best quality.  [. . .]  Coopering is a large item of commerce in Cheshire.

Dr. Watkins, son-in-law of Mr. John Watson, has purchased the large fine property of Mr. H. Fry, here, and contemplates making Cheshire his future home.  The Dr. is a number one man; a fine physician and no doubt will get a full share of practice.  I know no place that has more natural advantages than Cheshire [. . .]  B.

Louisville, Ky., Dec. 5, 1873
Editors Journal:  The steamer Billy Collins of Ironton, left Cincinnati Dec. 31, at 4 o'clock, got down the river a distance of 17 miles, was then after dark, caught in a terrible wind storm; the pilot was trying to land on the Ohio side, but the wind got the better of the boat and swung it about like a barrel in swells, and turned the boat on edge for a distance of 200 yds.  The water stoood 20 inches in the engine room; the boat was so near turning over as to roll off the deck quite a lot of coal and a barrel of salt.  The cabin nearly blew off the deck.  The tables were tossed about, breaking dishes, &c.  The crew, numbering in all twenty persons, but all giving up hopes of reaching shore, commenced stripping for a good swim, but the show for saving life was very slim; the crew was terribly excited, but kept cool; some were holding to planks some to posts; all looking out for No. 1.  As for myself, I being good on a squeeze, held tight to one of the stanchions on [the] lower deck.  All is now well, and we are on our trip for trapping.  Charles Newsom.

Died, in Guyandotte, W.Va., on Friday, December 5th, 1873, Mr. James W. Womeldorff, lately of this county, in the 47th year of his age.

Notice.  Cecelia Ripe, or Cecelia Rife, mother of Caleb McDaniel, dec'd, late a private of Co. D, 5th Regiment West Virginia Volunteers, and Virginia Farley, widow of Charles W. Farley, dec'd. late a private of Co. G, 4th Regiment, West Virginia Vols., will hear something of importance to them by writing to me or calling at my office.  E. N. Harper, Att'y at Law, Gallipolis, Ohio.

Success of a Gallia Boy.—In 1853, Perry White, brother of Mr. Joseph White, of Rodney, moved from the old Irvin farm, at the mouth of Indian Creek, in Raccoon township, to Iowa.  Here he lived seven years, and in 1860, went to Pike's Peak, leaving his family behind him.  He tried digging gold, but having poor success, he turned ranchman, and rented a farm, being unable to purchase.  After two years' labor he sent for his family, who joined him while he was yet a renter.  By hard labor he purchased a farm, which he has continued to increase until he has now several hundred acres, and great herds of stock.  Although suffering since his stay in Colorado Territory from a fire which swept off his farm buildings, his wealth may be counted by thousands.  With plenty of this world's goods around him, he has turned his attention to speculation.  Many of our old citizens will remember him.

George Martin, of Ohio township, was about to make the tribe of Wm. W. Clark decrease one, when he was arrested for assault and battery, tried before 'Squire Ross and fined $5 and costs.  Being able to pay only $6 of the amount he was committed to the county jail until the same be paid.  There he now is.

The revival meetings at the Centenary M. E. Church, in Green township, closed last Sunday.  The meetings have been in progress about fifteen days, and were attended with marked success.  There were 28 conversions, and 29 joined the church.  The meetings were conducted by Rev's D. Tracy and B. Thomas

The Gallipolis Journal
December 25, 1873

We published last week the death of Mr. Jas. W. Womeldorff, which was a mistake.  It was Mrs. A. E. Womeldorff, the estimable wife of this gentleman, who died.  She was a sister of H. J. Beardsley, Esq., of this county.

A son of Mr. A. T. Lasley, of our city, aged about eight years, fell off the stern of the lower wharf boat, on Sunday afternoon, and made a miraculous escape from drowning.  There was a coal barge about six feet below the wharf boat, and the swift current swept the little fellow directly to it, when a young man who happened providentially to be on the barge at the time, reached down and dragged him from his cool bath.  This should prove a warning to all boys of that age to keep away from the river.

Rev. G. W. Isaminger, who has been seriously ill during the past two weeks, was out on the street on Saturday, and is rapidly on the mend.

A band of Gypsies are camping in Walnut township.  They tell fortunes, trade horses, and probably play "hookey."

Quite a number of our citizens leave today for Cincinnati to hear Nilsson sing.  We may expect them to sing her praises upon their return.

Mr. William Kinder, of Clay township, returned from his New Orleans trip last Wednesday.  He and Mr. Hiram Watson, of Ohio township, took down a flat boat load of apples, and we are sorry to learn that it proved a bad investment.  The boat contained 2198 barrels, and the weather during the trip was so warm that the apples heated and rotted, and when opened on arrival at New Orleans were found to be utterly worthless.  The loss was over $5,000.  The potato boats, also, found a poor market, the supply being largely in excess of the demand.  They were selling at from $2.50 to $2.65 per barrel.  The wharf was crowded with flat boars, some 80 and over, and all loaded.

Mr. Josiah McCall, of Harrison township, lost his barn by fire Sunday night week.  The fire was discovered about 2 o'clock, and it had gained such headway that nothing was saved.  It and its contents, consisting of hay, oats, grass seed, gears, &c., were totally destroyed.  Loss about $1,200, covered by $500 insurance on building, and $200 on contents.  Supposed to be set on fire.

On Sunday, two boys, Smallweed and Swivelbang, of tender years, say one score each, got into a difficulty up town on Sunday.  Swivelbang, it appears, was in a skiff rowing past, when he called the other some pet names alluding to his maternity.  Smallweed gathered some convenient geological specimens and cast them in the neighborhood of Swivelbang's head, and when he had rowed his boat ashore gave him a star cussing.  Swivel, on Monday morning, called at the Mayor's office and "affidavited" him.  His Honor sat on his woolsack, and for carrying on this lapidation and using unclassical language, fined him two dollars and costs.

The Gallipolis Journal
January 1, 1874

Died at his residence on "Yankee street," Wilkesville township, Sunday, Dec. 21, 1873, Mr. John Davis, in the 90th year of his age.  Mr. Davis was one of our old settlers, having moved here from New York over sixty years ago.  He was the father of seven children and twenty-five grandchildren, many of whom live in this county.  He was a strictly honest, upright man, and among his other virtues, was a rank Whig and Republican.  An old subscriber to the Journal, having taken it for thirty years.

Died Dec. 20th, 1873, Jimmie, son of James and Hattie Hamilton, aged one year, eight months and five days.

Mr. James Wood, a former resident of Guyan township, this county, but now living in Floyd county, Iowa, is here on a visit to old friends.

Wm. H. Ecker, James Sanns and Dr. Booton, law and medical students, are at home spending the holidays.  Fred. Henking and Charles Waddell, students at Delaware College, are also here.  They all return next week.

The bridge at Gardner's Ford is nearly completed, the span across the creek having received the finishing touches.  Mr. Wesley Tobin is engaged in putting in a filling at this end of the bridge.

R. P. Porter, Esq., of Raccoon township, has received the contract for furnishing the stone work of the Atwood Seminary.  There will be about four hundred perches used.  Workmen will commence getting out stone at an early day.  The contract for brick work will probably be let out next summer.

Maj. Wm. H. Nash, of the United States Army, is visiting relatives and friends in this city.  He is looking well, and is now stationed at Louisville, Ky.  He will return in a few days.

The horses attached to A. F. Lasley's City Express took fright on Wednesday from fire crackers, and ran off up Front street.  Express damaged to a small amount.

Mr. O. M. Carter, son of Rob't M. Carter, Esq., of Perry township, is with his uncle in  the banking business at Oakland, Illinois.

About five o'clock on last Friday morning, just when our drowsy dwellers so delight to snooze, the church bells rang, and the cry of fire sounded on our streets.  The men with only bifurcates and boots on; the gentler gender in loose gowns—airy and fairy—tumbled out, and started for the conflagration.  It was soon discovered to be in the upper end of the city, in an old one story frame tenement on Front street, just opposite the foot of the Island.  The Fire Department was promptly on hand, but the building being of combustible material burned rapidly, the flames communicating with an empty frame grocery close to it, and was too far gone before the engine commenced throwing water.  In order to save the next house below, the Hook and Ladder company attacked the grocery, and leveled it with the ground in a trice.  The building in which the fire originated was owned by two families, and in the upper end James Whiting, a colored man, kept a grocery.  The fire, it is supposed, started from a defective flue, which ran along an inside partition.  When first discovered a few buckets of water would have extinguished it, but the frightened occupants sough rather to save their own goods than attempt to put out the fire.  The household goods of both families, as well as the contents of the grocery, were saved.  The buildings burned belonged to two colored men, Samuel James and Leroy Roberts.  The loss will probably be less than $1000.  No insurance.

On Tuesday night of last week a difficulty arose over a game of cards in a drinking saloon, between Jerome Stanley and Phillip Leppert; both of the parties had been tossing off their glasses during the game, and consequently were deeply in liquour.  Then it was that the dispute arose, and Stanley wantonly reached over the table and struck Leppert in the breast with a knife, striking the breast bone, which prevented a fatal wound.  The police promptly arrested Stanley, and, on Wednesday morning, he was, under an ordinance, fined $15 and costs.  This does not preclude his prosecution in the Court of Common Pleas.

Mr. Hamilton Hay, of Clay township, just below the mouth of Raccoon, has unexpectedly developed a valuable vein of coal on his place.  It is low down in the hill, some twenty feet above common high water, and but three-fourths of a mile from the river.  The vein is four feet and one half inch in thickness, and is underlaid by six inches of slate; immediately above it are thirteen inches of soapstone, and above that another vein of coal of 12 inches, with three inches of slate between it and the rock.  Mr. Hay has furnished us with a specimen of the coal.  It is pronounced by good judges to be a superior article.

The Lutheran German Sabbath School held an interesting exhibition Christmas evening, consisting of songs, recitations, dialogues, etc.  The little folk handsomely and creditably performed their part of the exercises, and at the close were each presented with a Christmas gift.  This church, under the pastoral care of Rev. Mr. Baum, is doing a good work.  It has a large membership, and during the past year, the congregation, in addition to the support of its pastor, has expended about $800 upon repairs to the church building, rendering it now one of the best houses of worship in the city.

The Gallipolis Journal
January 8, 1874

In mentioning the students at home last week, we omitted the names of James T. Hanson, of the Cincinnati Medical College, and George Gilman, of Amherst College.  Most of the students left Sunday evening on the Hudson, for their various schools.

Capt. Samuel Rothgeb started for Columbus, Monday, to attend the annual meeting of the State Agricultural Society, which occurs today, Wednesday.  He is the authorized delegate of our county Society.

New Years Day in Gallipolis was one of those gloomy, rainy days poorly calculated to refreshen humanity for the labors of a new year.  But little business was done, and but few were on the streets.  Some of our ladies received company during the day, and were favored with several calls.  In nearly every instance cakes, custards, and kickshaws were served without limit.  It is not for us to particularize as to who had the finest table, they all being so good the distinction is too fine for the discrimination of our uncultivated taste.  May they live always to keep open house on New Years Day.

Accidents.—On New Years day a colored boy by the name of Nelson, living with Mr. Roman Menager, discharged a pistol which was loaded with a paper wad into the palm of his hand.  The muzzle of the pistol was close to the hand at the moment, and consequently the flesh was nearly all stripped from the inside of the hand, exposing the tendons.  Dr. Newton dressed the wound, and the sufferer will recover.  Treat, a young son of Mr. D. S. Ford, while playing with a loaded toy cannon, which discharged prematurely, had his face badly burned with powder.  Beyong these we heard of no accidents.

Mr. Charles Kerr, son of the late Richard Kerr, has become a partner in the wholesale house of A. B. & A. R. Clark & Co. of Cincinnati.

On Monday evening a boy by the name of William Smith was sent to jail from Cheshire township, charged with attempting to break into the store of L. W. Mauck & Co., in Cheshire.  The preliminary examination was held before 'Squire Symmes, and we hear the evidence against him is not very strong.  The boy, aged about seventeen, says he was at a dance on the night of the break-in (Friday night) and was not in Cheshire only in the early part of the evening.  The boy does not appear hardened, but rather honest and outspoken.

We were shown this week two specimens of our County Map, made by Wm. H. Griffith, Jr., one drawn to a two-inch scale, the other to a one inch scale to the mile.  The Map represents the names of all landowners, with the bounding lines of their respective farms, the number of acres each farmer owns, the section, fraction, lot and township it may be in, together with the creeks, post roads and plats of all villages in the county.  The whole is delineated in a complete manner.  [. . .]  A correct county map we have long wanted, and are glad our wants may shortly be supplied.

The Gallipolis Journal    
January 15, 1874

The two Colemans, John and Levi, who were severely cut in Walnut township the other day, as published by us, are doing well, and both will probably recover.  Friley, the man who did the cutting, is still at large.

In the organization of the Ohio House of Representatives, the Republican members voted for Mr. Charles Stuart, of Harrison township, this county, for 2nd assistant Sergeant-at-Arms.  They could not have done better.

A little son of Mrs. McClurg, living on Front street, fell into the river on Friday, and was pulled out by some man who happened to be standing conveniently near.

A new steamboat is talked of to run from this city to Cincinnati.  She will be designed to make the trip in daylight, and it is estimated that she will cost $25,000.  The models have been completed, and are pronounced successes.  May she be built.

We mentioned last week that a temperance movement was in progress in our city, in which the ladies were the principal actors.  The movement has since rapidly developed itself in numbers and earnestness, until now, when it seems likely to be successful to that extent expected by the most sanguine and enthusiastic participants.  [. . .] 841 ladies formed themselves into the "Women's Temperance League," with a Constitution [. . . ] signed by 105 ladies.  [. . .] officers (are) Mrs. W. Y Miles, Miss Alice Halliday, Mrs. James Brown, Mrs. J. S. Wilson, Mrs. Henry Morgan, Mrs. Dr. Newton. [. . .]  There were loud and frequent hurrahs, and ringing of church bells, while the women were clearing out, by purchase, the saloon on the upper side of the Public Square.  The friends of temperance were jubilant.

Mr. Geo. W. Clark and lady visited Cincinnati last week with their little daughter Mary, who has been suffering for two years with hip disease.  The child was put under the influence of chloroform, and a thorough examination made.  The disease was pronounced to be in its second stage, the bone badly diseased from half way above the knee to the hip, and passing into the hip joint.  This child fell from a table about two years ago, and one month afterwards began to complain of her hip, which has gradually grown worse.  She is a bright, pleasant child, about five years old, and we should rejoice to hear of her permanent recovery.

We regret to learn, through private information, that our former citizen, Mr. John Dufour, is sick at his home in Rockville, Parke county, Indiana.  We are not advised as to his ailment.

Summerfield's Black Diamond Minstrels and Variety Troupe—Composed of some of the best musical talent in Gallipolis, propose to give a couple of performances about the 23d, one for the benefit of the poor of Gallipolis.  Performance consists of Sentimental and Comic Singing, side-splitting Farces, Clog and Fancy Dances, Flying Trapeze and Horizontal Bar, and as most of the troupe are old performers, the citizens may expect a couple of hours of very pleasing entertainment.  Admission 25cts;  Children 15cts.

The Gallipolis Journal  
January 22, 1874

Mr. Thomas Arrington, known to many of our readers, whose death we mentioned last week, was buried in our city cemetery on Wednesday of last week.  Services were held at the M. E. Church.

Capts. Hamilton and McClurg have run the steamboat Daniel Boone to the bank, just below our wharf, for the purpose of having the cabin enlarged and repairs generally.  Her machinery will also be enlarged and strengthened.  The owners hope to have her ready to resume her trade sometime during next week.

Our ice men worked like heroes to secure enough ice to last during the heated season.  In most cases they succeeded.

A horse attached to the buggy of Mr. Henry L. Miller ran away on Tuesday.  The buggy and harness were badly damaged thereby.

Died, on the 2d day of January, in Clay township, Mrs. Mary J. Nesbitt, wife of Mr. John Nesbitt, in the 65th year of her age.

The law firm of Page & Holcomb, at Butler, Mo., has been dissolved.  We hear that the junior member, A. T. Holcomb, Esq., intends locating at St. Louis.

Mr. Ufferman, of the firm of Blickle & Ufferman, tanners, fell about twenty feet off a pile of tan back on Friday, and was severely bruised about the head and face.  We are glad to say not seriously.

The Gallipolis Journal  
January 29, 1874

About half past six o'clock on Friday morning a fire broke out in the row of frame buildings on Second street, between the Shober Block and the store of J. J. Cadot & Bro.  The buildings being wholly of wood and perfectly dry the fire spread rapidly and enveloped the whole by the time the engine was throwing water.  When, however, the water came the flames were rapidly extinguished.  In one of the buildings, Mr. G. S. Jones had a barber shop; in the building below Mr. Charles Kincade kept a saloon; above him Mr. Steifel had a tailor shop; in the next building "Jerry" Warner and his barber shop, the story above him being occupied by a colored family.  The fixtures of Jones and Warner were nearly all saved, Jones' loss being about $25.  Mr. Kincade loses his entire stock, the same being valued at $400.  Mr. Steiffel's loss will approximate $100.  The goods of the colored family were saved.  One of the buildings was owned by Mr. Henry Menager, on which there was $300 insurance.  The other buildings were owned by the LeClercq estate.  The total loss, exclusive of insurance, will be about $1,309.  Messrs. Jones and Warner desire to return thanks to those who so kindly volunteered to remove their fixtures from the flames.  The Fire Department has the thanks of our people for their promptness.

On Christmas eve a letter and paper pouch, containing way [sic] matter, was stolen from the mail hack while en route from Portland to this city.  On last Thursday, Jan. 22d, the pouch was found in some bushes in a lot about 400 yards this side of Adamsville.  It had been opened, and its contents rifled.  The letters containing checks, and other valuable written matter, were, though opened, otherwise left undisturbed.  The letters containing money, if there was any, are missing.  Dr. Newton reported the missing mail to the Department when it occurred, and a detective was sent along the route to work up the robbery, but he was unsuccessful.  The pouch was accidentally found.  A change of horses is made at Adamsville, and it is supposed the pouch was taken out of the hack while the driver was engaged in this duty.

A grand fair and concert will be given by the Colored Brass Band of this city, in the A.M.E. Church, for the purpose of raising funds whereby they may continue to pursue their study in music, and become an ornament to Gallipolis.  All are solicited to attend the said church on the evenings of Thursday and Friday, Jan. 29th and 30th.

The Gallipolis Journal       
February 12, 1874

Kindly Cared For.  Judge Kent sent three persons to the new lunatic asylum at Athens last week.  From Guyan Township was sent Polly Henry, single, aged 60 years.  The cause of her derangement is unknown; probably hereditary.  The first intimation her friends had that her mind was not right was two weeks ago when she commenced screaming and hollowing [sic].  From our city were sent George R. Hibbens, married, aged 52 years, and Mary Jane Gould, widow, aged 48  years.  About a year ago Hibbens became absent-minded.  Cause of his complaint unknown, but is said to be hereditary.  Mrs. Gould has had periodical attacks for the past five years, but none so long as the last.  The cause of her ailment is not known, but is supposed to be hereditary.

Later.—On Tuesday Judge Kent received a telegram stating that Polly Henry died the previous day.  She will be buried at Athens.

The Gallipolis Journal       
February 19, 1874

Correspondence.  Suicide of Wesley Jacobs.  [From N.O. Picayune, Feb. 10th, 1874]
Suicide of a Well-Known Steamboat Man
     About 1:30 o'clock yesterday evening, a man named C. W. Jacobs was found in the last throes of death by a servant girl, in his room at the Central House, in Camp street.  The alarm being given, a physician was sent for, who immediately proceeded to the application of antidotes and restoratives; but all his efforts proved ineffectual, for in ten minutes life was extinct.  Coroner Folwell being summoned held an inquest, and a verdict was given that he had died of an overdose of laudanum.  Mr. Jacobs had been seen about 10 o'clock in the morning by the inmates of the hotel, passing into his room, with a paper parcel in his hand.  This parcel was found by the Coroner near his bed, and contained four or five small phials of laudanum, the most of which had been consumed, so that he must have taken a very large dose.  The cause of the rash act is not known, but he is supposed to have sunk into pecuniary straits from want of employment.  He has heretofore been a barkeeper on river steamboats, but has had no employment for several months back.  He had no relatives in this city, but many acquaintances.   209 Gravier Street, New Orleans.

Mr. Editor:—The subject of the enclosed notice was a room-mate of mine here for three years up to 1st of June last.  I learned from him in a general way that his early life was passed in Gallipolis, his father being a tanner there or in the vicinity.  He was aged 35.   Was for many years owner of bars on various steamboats on the Ohio river.  For the last five years in same business on the Red and Ouachita rivers in this State.  Was a man of peculiar temperament; entirely reticent so far as to any relatives unless speaking of early days.  Many letters were found in his trunk from a sister Emily, all dated during 1864, and not one from a single relative since that.  Those letters were written from Pawnee, Sangamon Co., Illinois.
For the past eight months he has been mostly out of business, and expenses of living, it seems have used up his means, and in the last two weeks he has borrowed a little of some friends.  He was an extremely sensitive man.  I never knew one more so.  His honesty and integrity unquestioned.  He could borrow of any acquaintance, but when he found his last dollar gone, he paid his change for five small bottles of laudanum yesterday morning, bought at four different druggists, and emptied them all about 10 A.M., dying at 1 P.M.  He had not the courage to face a creditor and say he could not then pay him, but he dared swallow the poison.   He is buried to-day by the city authorities.  I learned of his death at 4 P.M. and telegraphed Gallipolis for instructions, but at this writing (noon) have no answer, and the authorities will give no more time.  If any friends in your section desire further information I will furnish it with pleasure on application,  Truly yours, J. A. Willard

Our townsmen, Messrs. A. and Moses Moch, received the news, Tuesday morning, of the death of their father, Josui Moch, which event occurred Jan. 26th, at Uhrwiller, Alsace, France, in the 72d year of his age.  In memory thereof the business houses of the two sons will be closed until Thursday morning.

All the Schools below the High School will give a Literary Entertainment in the Union School Hall, next Friday evening, the 20th.  As it is under the direction of Miss Maxon and our other experienced Teachers, the public are assured it will be a success.  Doors open at 6 1/2 P.M.  Exercises commence at 7 P.M.  Admission 25 cents.  Tickets for sale at Book Store and doors.  Proceeds for benefit of Schools.

The colored Brass Band, led by Mr. James Nourse, its teacher, will give a street parade and concert, Saturday evening, in honor of the birth day of the great Washington.  This band has been but two months under instruction, but its advancement has been so rapidi that we may expect some good music.

On Tuesday morning of last week a murder and suicide were committed on Five Mile Creek, about six miles from here, on the West Virginia side of the river.  The circumstances as they come to us from different sources run thus:  One Richard Bush, aged about 65 years, became jealous of his wife, who was his junior by about twenty years, sent his children, with one exception, away from home and killed his wife, after which he drifted to the other side of Jordan by means of a case knife.  From the appearance of Mrs. Bush's body he first struck her with a heavy wooden cane, and then cut her throat with the same knife he afterward dispatched himself with.  The child who was not sent away was cutting wood near the house at the time, and was the first to discover the bodies.  A coroner's jury rendered a verdict in accordance with the facts as we have above related them. We believe Mr. Bush has relatives in the lower end of this county.  He was a quiet, peaceablle man, but the green-eyed monster unseated his brain.

Temperance.  A beneficent Heaven has, during the past week, given the ladies of our city suitable weather for active outdoor operation in their crusade against whiskey.  [. . .]  The public feeling against intoxication increases hourly; the sale of whiskey decreases proportionately  [. . .]  So strong has the sentiment become that scarcely a man is to be seen in liquor, and none drunk. [. . .] Every saloon and liquor store in the city has been favored with one or more visits either from the League in body or by committees.  [. . .]  Saturday night .  . . a larger assemblage was out than on any previous occasion.  There were over two hundred ladies in the line of march, and in addition to these quite a number of men and boys who filled the streets about where the ladies were operating.  [. . .] Steamboats have not escaped.  The bar tenders on the steamers Active, Katydid and Frank Willard have been, during the past week, forced to receive calls from committees of the League.  On Sunday the League visited the Chesapeake, by invitation, and held devotional exercises.  We hear that this boat ceases to have a bar after to-day (Wednesday).  [. . .]  On Tuesday evening a grand mass meeting was held in Aleshire Hall.  [. . .]  The Secretary reported the following saloons closed; Henry Morton's, Shepard Sheldon's, T. G. Hern's and Samuel Goens'.  Quite a number of colored saloon keepers have not sold whiskey since the 20th ult.

On Monday, the ladies of our city, in their great work of REFORM, visited a house of prostitution in the lower end of the city and prayed for the inmates thereof.

The Gallipolis Journal        February 26, 1874

Cheshire, Ohio, Feb. 4, 1874
Editor Journal:  I wish through the columns of your valuable paper to return my sincere and heartfelt thanks to my many kind friends and neighbors for their kind and liberal assistance in rebuilding my house, which was burned on the night of the 25th of last October by an incendiary.  Report gave it that the fire was by a defective flue, or accident.  This is a mistake.  I am truly sorry to say that we have such fiends in human form in our midst, but such is the fact, and I entertain strong hopes that the day is not far distant when the culprit will meet his just deserts.  I herewith send the names and amounts given by my friends which I hope you will give to the public, that I may in this public way return to all of them my heartfelt gratitude.  Yours, A. S. McCarty
[Followed by a very long list of contributors.]

Mrs. Thevenin, relict of the late Nicholas Thevenin, died in Green Township last week.  She was a very old lady and highly esteemed.

The jury, in the case of The State vs. William Smith, for burglary, after deliberating all night brought in a verdict of guilty.  The counsel in this case, in consideration that the court would send the boy to the Reform Farm, did not press their motion for a new trial, and accordingly Judge Plants, on Friday morning, sentenced William to the Reform Farm for four years.  We learn that after the trial he confessed to the burglary.

Administrator's Notice
      The undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as Administrator of the estate of Dianah Bickel, late of Gallia county, deceased.  All persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment; and those having claims against the same will present them, duly authenticated, to the undersigned for allowance.                         Robert S. Bickel, Administrator.  Feb. 26, 1874—3 wks.

Somebody has sent us a catalogue of the Lebanon Normal School for 1874.  In it we find the names of the following students from Gallia County:  Peter Martin, Gallipolis; Miss Addie Roush, D. T. Ashworth and D. B. Mauck, Cheshire; G. S. Davis and C. A. Smith, Cora; and Miss Mollie M. Grant, Patriot.

Prof. Strauss, of our city, has in his possession a Jewish half shekel.  It is of pure silver and is over 5,000 years old.  The inscriptions on it are legible.  On the obverse side is a palm tree, surrounded by the words "Shekel—Israel."  On the reverse is a burning urn, surrounded with the word "Jerusalem."  It is about two and one-half inches in diameter, and about twice the thickness of a Mexican dollar.  It certainly is a curiosity.

The deed of Father McKeirnan to the city of Gallipolis for the Weibert property, to be used for a cemetery, has been duly executed and delivered.  The city now in possession of the same, we would call the attention of our City Council to that chapter of the Code (XXVI) which provides for the election of a board to be known as Trustees of Cemeteries.  This chapter provides that the qualified electors of a city shall elect said Board at their annual election for corporation officers, such trustees shall serve without compensation and shall hold the office for three years.  This chapter—twenty-six—also clearly defines the powers and duties of these Trustees.  It is indispensibly [sic] necessary that this Board be elected, in order that the new cemetery shall be under some direct control, and we hope our council will see to their election, and that they are good men who will take suffficient interest in the matter to see that our cemetery shall be properly improved and embellished.

New Boat.—On Sunday evening Capt. Wm. C. Newton returned from Buffalo, whither he had been to purchase a new boat to be built with an express design to speed.   He contracted for a screw yacht, and calculates to have her here by the 1st of May.  Her length will be eighty feet, fourteen feet beam, and have one cylinder.  It is estimated that her speed will be about sixteen miles per hour.  Just what trade the boat will be placed in the Captain does not know, but Gallipolis will probably be one of the termini.  We long for the yacht.

The Gallipolis Journal       
March 5, 1874

We were shown, a few days since, an ancient book.  It is entitled—"Contemplations, containing—Christ among the Doctors; Christ baptized; Christ tempted; Simon called; the marriage in Cana; the good Centurion; by Joseph Hall, D. of Divinity, Deane [sic] of Worcester."  It was printed in London in 1634.  It belongs to Mr. William Graham of Addison township.

Among a graduating class of eighty-four at the Ohio Medical College, at Cincinnati, we notice the name of Mr. James T. Hanson, of this city.  We are glad to see that Jim comes out with flying colors.  Our medical fraternity will welcome him to ills, pills and squills.

Public Library.  There was a meeting at the Court House, Monday evening, having for its object the establishment of a Public Library.  The meeting was large, and the feeling was decided in favor of the organization of such institution.  Articles of Association were adopted, and some seventy names were obtained to them.  The plan in short is this:  Subscribers to pay five dollara for membership, and $2.50 per year as dues.  As soon as three hundred subscribers shall be secured, the organization will proceed in the election of officers, and the establishment of a library and reading room.  The library will be free to all in the room, but only members will be allowed to take books out of the room.  Committees were appointed to canvass the city and township for membership. [. . .]  The following is the canvassing committee:  1st ward, W. T. Minturn, C. H. McCormick; 2d Ward, Jno. A. Hamilton, G. W. Isaminger; 3d Ward, Wm. Lawson, Dr. W. W. Mills; Township, Wm. Walker, Jno. Morrison, R. M. Rodgers, D. W. Davies.

C.M. Holcomb, Esq., leaves this (Wednesday) evening on the steamer Andes for Illinois, where he goes to see about some lands in which he is interested.

We notice that Ollie Sanns and Joseph Rathburn have returned from college in Michigan.

Patriot is to have a Select School.  Mr. Davis, the principal, is well qualified to give it character and success.  See advertisement.

Our City Cemetery is in a splendid condition; free of briers, weeds, etc.  Mr. Alfred H. Smith, Sexton, seems to be the right man in the right place.

Our old friend, Wm. Wallace, at Ottumwa, Iowa, sends us his subscription for 1874.  He writes us that his health is poorly, and that by reason of age and infirmity, he is compelled to cease from the more active duties of life.  May his latter days be plenty and full of joy and peace.

Recruiting.—On Wednesday of last week Sheriff Ripley received an invoice of law breakers from Guyan Township.  The boys sent up are Floyd Hager, Lewis Hager and ____Massey.  They had a weakness for pork, and shot three of Mr. Lewis Garlick's hogs which were at large in the woods.  The hogs were valued at $50, and hence their charge is grand larceny.  They were tried before 'Squire Unroe, who held them in the sum of $200 each.
On Thursday came also William Blankinship, in his own proper person, on the charge of breaking into the mill of Mr. Reuben Rice, in Guyan Township, in the night season of the 22d ult., and taking therefrom a meal sack encompassing two bushels of meal, the property of one Joel Knuckles.  Joel, aggrieved at the loss of his meal, made oath before the same justice, who, in default of $200. committed B. kindly to jail.  What Blankinship's defense is we know not.  The Hagers and Massey claim that Garlick did not own the slaughtered swine.

The Gallipolis Journal       
March 12, 1874

Three colored men, in attempting to cross the river, Saturday night, about 11 o'clock, were drowned.  Their names are, Henry Alexander, June Coleman and ______Smith, residents of this city.  The wind was blowing a gale, and the waves running high, and it is supposed the boat upset or filled with water.  Their cries for help were fearful.  Messrs. R. Aleshire, jr., Police officer Wm. Cromley, jr., Geo. Denny and Chas. Robinson, manned a skiff and went to their assistance, but they were too late; nothing was seen of either the skiff or the men.
P. S.  We learn that Alexander was saved.  He kept his hold on the skiff until he had floated to near Clipper Mill, a distance of about three miles, when he was relieved from his perilous position by the steamer Julia No. 2.  He reports the other two drowned soon after the capsizing of the boat.

Grand Ball.  The German ladies of Gallipolis will hold a grand Ball and Supper, for the benefit of the poor of our city, on Monday, March 23d, 1874, at Henking's Hall.  The public generally, invited.  Fred. Zehring, Seb. Goetz, Adam Uhrig, Committee.

A young man named William Sheets, living in Fair Haven, opposite Pt. Pleasant, died last week from rupture, produced by jumping.

Among the fifty three graduates of the Miami Medical College at Cincinnati we notice the name of Dr. Laban Boot, of this city.

The Gallipolis Journal       
March 19, 1874

The hose ordered by the Council arrived on the steamer Andes on Sunday.  There are eight hundred feet of it, costing $1,200.  It is leather hose, double riveted.  It will stand a pressure of 200 pounds, while gum hose will burst at over 60 pounds.  It was tested by the Fire Company on Monday and found satisfactory.

New Grange.—Deputy Buckle organized a new Grange in Guyan township last Friday.  The name is Guyan Grange; Master, R. T. Niday; Secretary, J. M. Lusher; postoffice, Mercerville.  There were thirty-five charter members.

Those directly interested in getting up a library for the proposed reading room met at the Courthouse on Monday evening.  The committees previously appointed on canvas reported twenty six new members.  These with those who signed before aggregated one hundred and twenty-seven, or one hundred and seventy three less than the required number.  It was deemed expedient to abandon the enterprise, as there was no possibility of its final success.  A committee consisting of Messrs. Miles, Isaminger, Wasson, Hamilton, Hard, Mullineux and Wilson was appointed to get up some plan for a reading room.  This committee will meet at the Auditor's office next Monday evening at 7 P.M.  We regret that the library part of the programme has failed, but let the reading room proceed.

Mr. John W. Gilman and lady left on the steamer Hudson, on Sunday evening, for the West, where they intend locating.  They will probably settle in Kansas.  May they succeed.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morgan leave the city this week for their new residence at Athens.  Mrs. Menager accompanied them.  Mr. Morgan takes a position in the house of Wright, Morgan & Co., dealers in Pianos, Organs and Sewing machines, while Mrs. Morgan will engage in teaching music.  To the good people of Athens, many of whom we know personally, we commend Mr. and Mrs. Morgan—the former a gentleman; the latter a perfect lady.  We know we shall miss them.

Mr. F. L. LeClercq left on Saturday to take up his residence in Springfield, this State.  Success go with him.

Mr. D. H. Goodno, formerly of this city, is now a resident of Lincoln, Placer Co., California.

Owing to ill health, and other inconveniences, Mr. S. S. Denny has returned from College.

Off for School.—On Wednesday David Davis, John Ellison, Alfred Williams, Floyd Keller and John F. Morgan, Gallia boys, left on the steamer Andes for the Normal School at Lebanon.  May they learn all in the book.

On Saturday night—or rather on Sunday morning—Capt. Dale and the police force of our city made a descent upon a house of prostitution in the lower end of the city, capturing the mistress, four of her girls and four of "the boys."  One of the latter nailed his pants and pranced out through a window, taking the sash out with him.  The jolly crew—with the exception of the landlady—were lodged in the lock-up until Monday morning, when they were brought before Mayor Bird and fined in the aggregate $135 and costs, the latter amounting to $53.40.  Some of the fines were secured at the close of the trials, but in default, most of the crew were returned to the watch house.  During the day the landlady came up and went security for "the girls," and they were released.  The others remain to work on the streets, or pay up.

The Gallipolis Journal       
April 9, 1874

Footpad.—A report comes to us that a highway robbery was committed in Addison township on last Sunday evening.  The victim was a foreign peddler with a box of spectacles which he was trying to sell.  He had walked from Gallipolis in company with a dark-colored white man who, when they had passed the residence of Mr. S. H. Gates, struck the peddler on the back of his head, and went through his pack.  What has become of the party assaulting or the assaulted is not known.  Suspicion points to an old offender of our town as the footpad.

A Business Company.  On Saturday a certificate of incorporation was granted incorporating the Raccoon Valley Mineral Company.  The object of the company is to mine coal, ore and other minerals, and manufacture the same.  The capital stock is $200,000, divided into shares of $50 each, and the mines and manufacturing establishments are to be located in Galliia and Vinton counties.  The annual meetings are to be held on the first Wednesday in June of each year.  The copy of the certificate was received for record on Monday.  The corporators are Wm. H. Langley, S. A. Nash, P. A. Sanns, L. Z. Cadot, Jno. Sanns, J. M. Kerr, Chas. Mack, Jno. Dages, W. Reifsnyder, J. J. Cadot, and Thos. B. Bancroft.

Mr. Charles A. Seidler left this county on Saturday for his new home, which will be Marietta.  He was a good citizen and we regret to lose him.

A child of one Mr. Smith, living above the city, was badly burned by having its clothes catch fire Sunday night.

We learn that our young friend, Dr. James T. Hanson, has located at Springfield, this State, for the practice of his profession.  Success go with him.

Mr. Andrew G. Woods, for years connected with the house of Henking, Allemong & Co., has been called to Staunton, Va., by the death of his father.

The following letters from one of the late emigrants to Cozad City, Nebraska, will be read with interest by many of our readers.  The letters are from E. Damron, and addressed to his father, J. G. Damron, Esq.  The first is dated March 29th:

Knowing that you will be looking for a letter from me as soon as I got here, I will try and write what I think of Nebraska.  We arrived here yesterday afternoon about 2 o'clock and found it storming and very disagreeable indeed, and also very cold.  It snowed about an inch last night.  As you want to know all about the country here, I will try and let you know all I have found out since I have been here.  I find that it has been as cold all the time here as it was yesterday and last night, except for some few days.  Charley Friend says that both his ears have been frozen since he has been here, and he says it will be as cold for the next month to come.  There was about sixty came on the same train I did and some of them are talking of going back this week, and one man who has been here for three or four weeks is going back this week also.  This country is not fit for old folks, and you need not think of coming here to stay.  We have splendid land here but you can not take up land inside of six or six and a half miles.  I will not be very likely to take any, but I would like to stay here three or four months if I can get work, as I would like very much to see the country in the summer.  Land can be bought here for from seven to ten dollars an acre.  Mr. Cozad owns about 19,000 himself.  I like him very much, he is much of a gentleman so far as I have seen of him.

The second letter which follows, is dated April 2d, and says:
Mr. McIntyre arrived here night before last, very sick, but is up and about to day all right.  We are having very pretty weather here now.  I like this country better every day.  Can't come back to G. soon.  Mr. McIntyre and Mrs Stevens are very much pleased with Nebraska, and want you to move out here very much.  I think this country will be pretty well settled in six months, as cheap land will be scarce.  Tell all to wirite. Tell J. Gardner to make a visit out here this Spring, to see the country,  Yours, E. Damron.

The Gallipolis Journal       
April 16, 1874

Fire.—Monday morning a fire broke out at a tenant house on Front street, belonging to Mrs. Kerr, and occupied by Victor Donnet and a Mrs. Jones.  The fire was caused by sparks falling from a chimney upon the roof.  The application of a few buckets of water did the work before the arrival of the Fire Department, which, by the way, was promptly on hand as it always is.  Damage inconsiderable.

A large load of ice, all the way from Lake Pepin, on the upper Mississippi, reached our wharf Thursday morning.  It contained near two hundred tons, and belonged to Mr. H. H. Neal and Messrs. Bovie & Jerman.  It cost delivered $10 per ton, and is of an excellent quality.

Acknowledgment—Through the kindness and liberality of Mr. J. R. Smithers, the pews in the Presbyterian Church have been neatly numbered.  The Society, through its Board of Trustees, makes the following deserved acknowledgment, to wit:
     Resolved, That the handsome porcelain numbers which adorn our pews, once more remind us of the many liberal offerings donated by our late fellow-townsman, Mr. J. R. Smithers, now of Dover, Delaware.
     Resolved, That while we regret the circumstances which severed his connection here, we rejoice at the evidence of a still lively interest in our affairs.  Wm. S. Newton, Jas. Mullineux, Committee.

Mr. D. C. Cowden has heard from his son, J. C. Cowden, who left home some two years since and had not been heard from since August, 1872.  He is in Memphis, Tenn.

The Gallipolis Journal       
April 23, 1874

On Friday, the 10th inst., a sad accident occurred near the mouth of Thirteen, on Kanawha, in which Walter Buxton, aged nine years, son of Mr. Darius V. Buxton, formerly of this county, was drowned.  We learn the particulars of the sad affair as follows: Frank Miller, aged eighteen, Perry Buxton, aged sixteen, and Walter went out in a skiff for the purpose of catching a floating log.  The river at the time was very high, and had a strong current.  Upon the return of the boys, the skiff was drawn into a whirlpool and upset just above a flat boat.  Miller caught hold of the flat boat and was saved.  Perry and Walter passed under the boat.  Perry was picked up insensible two miles below, but was restored.  Walter sunk [sic] and the body has not been recovered.  The two Buxton boys are grandsons of Asa Bradbury, Esq., of Cheshire township.  The relatives have our warmest sympathy in their bereavement.

About two weeks since, Wesley L., son of Mr. Wesley Rothgeb, of Addison township, being seized with a fit, fell into a fire which had been built in the yard, and had his face and hands badly burned, so bad, in fact, that there are doubts entertained of his recovery.  The unfortunate boy is about eighteen years old, and has been subject to these spells for some time.

We had the pleasure on Friday, of taking by the hand Mr. Stephen S. Jones, formerly of Centerville, but now of Nebraska, who is back on a visit which will continue until summer.  Since Mr. J. left this county, he has read law, been elected Justice of the Peace, and married a good-looking lady.  Such streaks of fortune have never been ours.

We understand that Messrs. Shober, Aleshire, C. Henking and Semon have sold their interest in the Eagle Furnace to parties in Nelsonville, Athens county, at the rate of $40,000 for the whole.

Mr. O. M. Carter and sister, of Perry township, left on the Andes Wednesday evening, to attend the Lebanon Normal School.

William H. Ecker, Esq., of this county, graduated at the Cincinnati Law College, on Friday, and was admitted to the bar as Attorney and Counselor at Law and Solicitor in Chancery.  There were seventeen others in the same class.

And now comes Alfred Lucas, a colored man of our city, and complaining against the steamboat Granite State, says:  That he was assistant fireman on said boat on the 10th inst., and while it was lying at Pittsburg, the engineer told him, in company with others, to go and stop the wheel of the boat which was being turned by a rapid current.  This they essayed to do, but failed.  While making the attempt, Lucas slipped and his foot was caught, crushing it badly.  Unless the Granite State comes down handsomely, Lucas will institute a suit against her to the tune of about $1,000.

Mr. Anderson Wooton, of Clay township, sold the other day to Messrs. Elbright, Copple & Mann, a Brown county firm, five hundred acres of land in W. Va., nearly opposite the Clipper Mill.  The land is six miles from our city, and one mile from the river.  Price, $5,000.  It is the intention of said firm to build a stave factory on the land, and [they] have sent for the machinery with this in view.  They are also getting out timber, and will be in the stave business about the middle of June.

In Memoriam
The following inscription is on the tomb of Gen. Edward Tupper, who sleeps in our cemetery:

    "To the Honored and Revered memory of Gen. Edward W. Tupper, who departed this life Sept. 7th, 1823, aged 52 years.  Distinguished in life by bravery in war, wisdom in legislation, judgment in private council, zeal in promoting public morals, benevolence in befriending the poor and oppressed, affectionate attention in the domestic relations, humble faith in the merits of Jesus Christ.  When the ear heard him then it blessed him; when the eye saw him it gave witness to him." 

Messrs. White & Holcomb, Attorneys, have established a land agency in connection with the practice of law.  This is a step in the right direction.  Our city and county has long stood in need of an established agency where lands can be rented, bought, sold or exchanged.  This is much better than attempts to sell at private sale, and much cheaper.  Those having property to sell, exchange or rent, can not do better than to put it in the hands of Messrs. White & Holcomb.

The Gallipolis Journal       
April 30, 1874

Capt. Jonathan Hamilton returned from Buffalo, N.Y., Monday, where he had gone to contract for a lightning passenger propeller.  The craft will be 80 feet in length by 14 in width, and will have extraordinary power, 72 per cent greater than the Humming Bird.  She is to be completed by the 15th of May, and is expected here by the first of June.  She will have cabin accommodations for 80 people.  Mr. J. J. Pool is joint owner with Capt. Hamilton.  Her trade has not yet been fixed, except that Gallipolis will be one of the terminating points.

Cutting, Near Crown City
      On last Sunday evening a difficulty arose between Franklin Ours, a young man living near Crown City, and one William DuPease, concerning the sale of some land.  It appears that Franklin had agreed to sell DuPease a piece of land, part payment of the consideration to be a horse, but the exchange had not taken place.  On the Tuesday previous to the cutting, DuPease borrowed the horse of Franklin to ride.  On Sunday evening DuPease returned without the horse, and Franklin questioned him concerning it, stating at the same time that the horse had not been transferred, since no deed had been made for the land in question.  DuPease would not tell anything satisfactory about the horse, and a quarrel ensued.  In order to stop the difficulty William Ours, father of Franklin, appeared, when DuPease threw two stones and a club at him.  They clinched and Ours getting the better of him, DuPease struck him in the back, just below the shoulder blade, and on the head with a knife, inflicting two dangerous wounds.  The wound in the back probably penetrated the cavity, as the wounded man has been bleeding internally since.  DuPease jumped on a horse and galloped off.  Ours is not expected by his attending physician to live.

Mr. Jos. N. Thierry, of Harrison township, was in the office Monday and paid his 42d year for the Journal.  May he live to pay us many more.

There is a report in circulation here that Dr. Morgan is in a precarious condition at Athens, consequent from falling from a window to the sidewalk, while in a crazed condition.

Mr. John DeLille has bought out the Fillmore Bros., and has located in the Fenner Building, where he is ready to take pictures of all kinds, photographs, ambrotypes, etc.  He has engaged the services of a No. 1 artist from Cincinnati.  Particular attention given to copying, enlarging and working in India ink, water and oil colors.  Work warranted.

The Gallipolis Journal        
May 7, 1874

Mr. Will C. Hayward has a letter for the daughter of the late Samuel Hudson, who resided at Mt. Airy, Maryland.  The daughter is supposed to be in this city.

Down.—One end of the bridge across Big Kyger Creet fell on Monday, while Mrs. Ashworth and son, with two horses and carriage, were crossing.  They escaped uninjured.  The timber and floor fell about ten feet before reaching the water.  Capt. Rothgeb patriotically repaired the same, which can now be crossed.

Bonds Given.—In the case of the State vs. Jos. W. Fife for horse stealing, a bond of $500 was given; surety, George A. Fife.  State vs. Reuben Friley and Nancy Collins, assault and stabbing with intent to kill, a bond of $500 was given for Nancy; surety, Jno. G. Collins.  State vs. Lorenzo Sibley, William Huff and John Kitts, petit larceny, a bond of $100 was given for Lorenzo; surety, Benjamin Sibley.

Dr. Patterson, of Sprinkle's Mill, fell from his horse, near Mr. Graham's, on Monday morning and injured his hip.

Mr. F. J. Zehring will represent the Chickamauga Tribe of Red Men in their Grand Council which meets in Newark next week.

The St. Joseph saloon was closed last week, not to be opened more.  The Dufour House saloon has taken out no license and hence it is shut.

Taverns.—License was granted in Common Pleas Court to Bernard Masterson to keep tavern in Chambersburg, and to W. R. Denny to keep tavern in Ewington.

Not the least interesting feature of the temperance meetings here by the League is the music.  The choir is made up of much of the best talent in the city, and the music is charming.  It will pay one to attend their meetings simply for the sweet and pure music he will hear.

Serious Accident
     The Western bound train on the M. & C. road which was due here shortly after midnight of Friday, brought to Athens, Dr. C. R. Morgan, a well known practitioner of Gallipolis, in charge of two attendants who were conducting him to the Insane asylum here, whither he had been consigned to undergo treatment for lunacy, evidences of which he had lately manifested.  It had required constant vigilance to insure his safe custody on the trip up; the endurance of his attendants was consequently nearly exhausted upon their arrival here.  From our local depot he was taken, for the few remaining hours of night, to the Cornell House, preparatory to his transfer to the Asylum.  Sometime after being put to bed at the Cornell, he succeeded in eluding the vigilance of his watchers, who, overcome by loss of rest during several successive nights, had temporarily fallen asleep.  After unsuccessfully trying other means of exit from the house he walked out the door leading to the second story balcony over which he either jumped or fell, sustaining serious concussion of the brain causing copious discharges of blood from the ears.  He was discovered a few moments after the occurrence of the accident, and promptly received the professional attention of Dr. Geo. H. Carpenter, who was near at hand.  In as brief a period as practicable he was removed to the asylum, where he has since lain in a very precarious condition.  The unfortunate man is a brother of Mr. Henry Morgan, of the firm of Wright & Morgan, of Athens.—Athens Messenger.

Dr. Morgan died on Thursday morning at the Asylum.  His remains were brought to this city, and on Saturday were committed to their final resting place in the Cemetery.  The pall bearers were all members of his profession, to-wit: Docts. Sanns, Newton, Booten, Cromley, Cating and Guthrie.  The deceased was a son of the late Dr. E. Morgan.  The bereaved ones have the sympathy of their friends and neighbors.

James Berry, of Guyan township, obtained property under false pretenses of Jacob Fulks.  The property was valued at $51.  When the moon was looking from the purpling sky on Saturday night, a constable officially gave him over to the kindly care of the High Sheriff.

Jo. DuPriest, the fellow who cut Ours with a knife near Crown City last week, was put in jail on Wednesday night.  He has been indicted for stabbing with intent to kill.

Henry Vaughn, a colored Third Warder, made Bob Ellis, colored, see Dante's seven circles of hell, with a pair of brass knuckles, on Thursday, for making indecent proposals to a colored girl.

Ever so late o'clock on Saturday night the police captured three white fellows and a like number of colored girls, in positions calculated to excite suspicion in unsuspicious minds, and chaperoned them to the lock-up.  $3 and courts each.

The Gallipolis Journal        May 14, 1874

Ohio Penitentiary, Sunday evening, May 3d, 1874; For the Gallipolis Journal

Mr. Nash:  Tuesday has been one of unusual and remarkable sadness to the inmates of this institution, at the thought of parting with our worthy Chaplain, whose memory will be retained until memory's stars shall have set forever, and who by his assiduous kindness, has become a great favorite with all the prisoners.  Mr. Newton, after an able sermon from Matthew, 25th chapter, 36th verse, closed his services here for the present, with the benediction.  He has held this responsible position for several years, and has faithfully and diligently discharged his whole duty toward God and man.  When he entered this institution as Chaplain, there was nothing in the way of religious instruction, except the simple formality of preaching and a small Sabbath-school.  Since that time he has so preached Christ, and Him crucified, that many of those under his care have been led to the foot of the Cross and have there confessed and forsaken their sins and sought and received forgiveness through the merits and intercession of a Crucified Redeemer, and are now living honest, upright and consistent Christians, and are a benefit to the community in which they live.  In addition to this, a large and interesting Sabbath-school has been thoroughly and successfully organized; also a large Prayer and Association meeting—of at least 400 men—has been organized, of this number about 275 have made a public profession of their faith in Christ, and have joined the Y. M. C. A., or Prison Church.  The remainder are seekers.  Prayer has also been established in the work-shops every morning.  Through his instrumentality many have been induced to abandon a life of wickedness and crime, and have avouched the Lord Jehovah to be their God, the Holy Spirit to be their Sanctifier and Guide, and are now living, not for themselves alone, but for the honor and glory of Him who suffered and died in their stead.Last summer when the cholera was raging in our midst he was in the hospital preparing the living to live, and the dying to die; in short, he has labored with and for the men, either in his office or in the yard, from the time they were unlocked in the morning until they were locked up at night.
     To convince a man that you are his true friend you must first gain his confidence—this is done by kindness (not by cruelty).  This, Mr. Newton has successfully accomplished.  On all occasions, in and under all circumstances, he always has a word of kindness and encouragement.  He remembereth our frame, He knoweth we are but dust.  How true the maxim—a friend in need is a friend indeed.  This our Chaplain has been to one and all.  Is there a fiend in the fathomless depths of the infernal regions that would not love and adore such a man?  Can Democracy place in his stead a man that can excel him?
     Mr. Newton has labored in this field four years, during this time 466 have made a public profession of religion; of this number 247 have gained their liberty (and the majority of them are living faithful to their covenant vows.)  Some have died, who in the agonies of death gave the strongest evidence of the genuineness of their faith.
     Our new Chaplain is the Rev. Mr. Ferguson of Guernsey county, Ohio.  The text to which I have alluded was the latter clause of the verse, viz:  "I was in prison and ye came unto me."  The Chapel was crowded to-day with visitors.  After the sermon the Rev. Mr. Byers (formerly of Riggs Chapel, Gallia county,) delivered an able prayer.  Those prayer meetings to which I have alluded are conducted by the prisoners, of which I have been a faithful listener, but have never uttered a syllable.
     In the above I have given a correct statement of Mr. Newton's labors and I wish my circumstances were such as would allow me to give a correct statement of the conduct of others who are and have been connected with the prison.
     I cannot close this without returning thanks to the Hon. E. A. Stone, of Gallipolis, for kindness.  I was in prison and he came unto me.  Gallia county could have sent no better man to the Halls of Legislation than Mr. Stone.
     Have I not represented Gallia county long enough in this institution?  Since my term the Hon. Joseph Bradbury and Hon. E. A. Stone have represented said county in the House of Representatives, and the Hon. W. Nash, in the Senate.  These Hon. gentlemen have taken at least $3,000 from the State Treasury, while I have added over $500 to the State Treasury.  Who has been of the most benefit to the State?
     Now, I earnestly ask the citizens of Gallia county to relieve me, or elect another man in my place.  I will write again at some future day.
                                                                     Respectfully, James Canterbury.

The Gallipolis Journal       
May 21, 1874

Tom Canterbury committed an assault and battery on Ross and Perry Earwood on Monday of last week, and in default of $500 bail was sent to jail by 'Squire Nesbitt.  Sympathetic friends bailed him out on Friday.

The body of a colored man was found in the river, at Addison, on Sunday.  Coroner Cromley held an inquest.  The deceased was unknown.  He was about 35 years of age, and supposed to have been in the water two months or more.

Charles Henking, Esq., and the ladies accompanying him, arrived in New York, Tuesday, from their year's residence in Europe.  Their friends will soon have the pleasure of welcoming them home.

Charles Semon and Sebastian Goetz gave bond during last Court, agreable to its order, in the sum of $1000 each that they would not sell liquor in violation of law and pay all fines, costs, damages, etc., assessed against them. William Shober signed the former's bond, and L. Z. Cadot the latter's.

William S. White, Esq., formerly a typo in the Journal offices, we notice is being urged by his friends for the position of Lieutenant Governor of Kansas.  We trust they will be successful in securing for him the nomination.  Mr. White is worthy of the office; he has the ability, and the integrity to make a good officer.Mr. Jno. W. Gilman has located at Independence, Kan.

Mr. S. H. Smithers, of Detroit, Michigan, is in the city, visiting his brother, Capt. D. Y. Smithers.

The Mayor served a writ of ejectment on an Italian, and his bear, one day last week.  The latter scared horses.

 A fire broke out in the rear of Jenkins' shoe shop about five o'clock on Friday evening.  Water, well directed, did the work for the element.

Foot-ball playing on the Public Square is all the rage.  It is a pleasure to both the players and the spectators.  Let the ball roll on.

The funeral services of the late Mrs. Nancy Nanna will be preached at Rodney, on the 14th of June, by the Rev. Haning.

Mind Your Eye.—There was trouble at Wash. Viney's corner on Wednesday afternoon.  There was a woman mixed up in the fuss some way.  One Henry Woods, colored, struck Wash. in the eye with a pair of brass knuckles, making an ugly wound.  A warrant was sworn out before the Mayor and Woods fined $10.

The Gallipolis Journal       
May 28, 1874

The Ministerial fund of Cheshire township is apportioned on the basis of three hundred and sixty Free Baptists, ninety-eight Methodists, fourteen Swedenborgions, says the Middleport News.

Mr. John M. Alexander, formerly of this county, returned to our city last week with his family, and intends making it his future home.

The wife of Mr. James Deem was adjudged insane by the Probate Court on Monday.  She will be cared for.  The sympathy of our community is with Mr. D.

One William Hup was sent to jail on Saturday by 'Squire Reed, for breaking into the smoke house of William Ours.  The mulligan was no account and Capt. Ripley turned Hup out on Monday.

Capt. Lon. Bryson has purchased the steamer R. W. Dugan, and will, it is said, place her in the Kanawha and Cincinnati trade.  Two packets in this trade is getting back to old times, and shows that business is either increasing, or else the railroad has lost its hold upon the class of freight that the trade offers.

Capt. Frank J. Oakes is now the sole proprietor of the Crawford House, Cincinnati.  His many friends in this section will be glad to welcome him back to the duties of landlord, for which position he is so well qualified.

Messrs. Norton, Campbell & Co., the Gallia Furnace Co., made last year 2,010 tons of pig iron.  They mined 4,741 tons of iron ore, and bought 2,371 tons.

A Good Officer. Through the kindness of Capt. Dale, we were shown through the city prison on Friday, and were surprised to find the neatness and cleanliness that we did.  The bedding has been thoroughly aired, and the floors scrubbed.  The Captain makes a number one officer, always ready and willing to accommodate, and is never lax in his duties.Staging in Ohio—Gallipolis and its Surroundings.

The editor of the "Massachusetts Plowman," Geo. Noyes, Esq., was recently in our city, and here is his account of getting here from Portland, and his impressions of the town:

     It was five o'clock P.M. when we left the train.  As we did so, we inquired of a well-dressed gentlemanly station agent, for the Gallipolis stage.  It was pointed out, a modest carriage with two fine looking horses.  Interrogating the driver, we were informed that the road was much better than it had been and that we should probably make the distance of twenty-seven miles by midnight.  Seven hours!  just think of it!  But we were by no means intimidated.  We were prepared for a long ride; but did not think it would be quite so long.  At Parkersburg we had hesitated about stopping over and taking one of the magnificent boats which daily pass that point for all the landings on the river between that town and Cincinnati—but we might be detained several hours—we had several times been on the river—we wanted to see the country—the country people and the country roads; and this was our opportunity!  We improved [sic] it.  First driving to the Portland Postoffice and taking on some two hundred pounds of mail matter, our driver mounted the front seat, snapped his loud cracking whip and we were off in a brisk trot.  We were at once convinced that the driver must have deceived us!  No such time as seven hours could be occupied in the trip; and we earnestly said, "You will reach Gallipolis by nine o'clock."  The driver guessed not—we would do pretty well if we reached it by twelve; and on we went.  Three miles out from Portland the difficulties of transportation commenced.  The road was gullied, in some places ten feet deep and we rode on a narrow belt with scarcely a margin of a foot on either side.  As we passed, we held our breath and the driver with a rein in each hand dexterously guided his horses.  We were safely over and on again at the rate of five miles an hour—but it was but for a short distance—a new and more formidable obstacle awaited us—a road with three deep gullies and a passage way on either side of them scarcely wide enough for the rim of the wheel!  A sudden motion of either horse to the right or left must turn over the carriage—first the nigh horse, then the off one, then both, are treading the deep narrow gullies! with wonderful dexterity the carriage wheels are kept on the ridges and at last we are safely over.  But over only to meet again and again and a hundred times again, similar and if possible worse difficulties.  As midnight approached the street lamps of the city of Gallipolis threw out their welcome light;—but our difficulties were not over;—the road grew worse instead of better;—one horse sinks deep down in the mud and the carriage topples over to one side—driver and occupants spring to the rescue feeling that in the very sight of our point of destination we are to suffer our greatest misfortune;—the driver encouragingly calls the horse by name and we see him in the darkness struggle through the slough only to precipitate the other horse into an equally bad one and the carriage topples over in the opposite direction.  For more than a mile did we ride in this fearful peril.  Scarcely a word would be spoken except by the driver and his words were words of kindness and cheer to his bedraggled horses.  At last safe within the city precincts and the splendid pavement over which we ride is in strange contrast with the thing called a road over which we have been for seven long hours plodding.
Is the country through which you travelled so poor that it will not afford better roads, methinks we hear you ask.  Oh, no; the country is rich grazing, farming and mineral land.  Acres and acres are full of the treasures of iron and coal; and the deep green and luxuriantly growing wheat fields on either side of us, bore abundant testimony to the strength of the soil.  Are the people ignorant and shiftless?  Not that, either.  It is difficult to explain why such roads are allowed to stand in the way of the growth of the country.  Sure it is, that if the landowners would expend twenty-five per centum of the value of their lands on the roads, they would get four times the money back in the increased value of their lands and its products.  Why did we not tip over?  Why did we not break the limbs of our horses?  Why were not driver, horses and passengers left dead or maimed at the roadside?  These are enigmas as difficult to answer as why do the people living in this country tolerate such roads?  The people are rich, and might by a little enterprise, be richer.  They are intelligent, and by better roads could easily increase their knowledge.  Good roads like good schools, at the same time that they advance civilization, increase wealth.  Good roads are as indispensable as good schools; and no country can be built up and developed without both.  Give to this beautiful country through which we passed, good roads and the invitation now held out by the natural mineral and agricultural productiveness would be irresistable through the work of art.
Arrival at Gallipolis.
     At Gallipolis we were warmly welcomed by our friends who had been apprised of our approach by telegraph.  The city of Gallipolis is most advantageously located for business, and is a centre of great trade, not only for a large country on the Ohio, but on the Virginia side of the river.  The whole valley of the Kanawha river with its capital city, Charleston, and its millions of tons of quarried coal, pays tribute fo Gallipolis.  A large number of wholesale houses supply the towns and villages located in this valley; and the constant arrival of steamers plying between Cincinnati, Parkersburg and Pittsburg, as well as the packet boats which arrive and depart almost hourly from Gallipolis for Huntington, Pomeroy and other places on the river, render the city full of life and give a business-like aspect which we have seldom seen in an inland city.
Our trip homeward bound was by the steamer Granite State to Parkersburg and thence by rail.  The trip up  the river to Parkersburg was full of interest; and as we stopped for freight or passengers at the different landings, we learned that all the towns and villages were being rapidly developed by coal, iron, salt and other mining interests.

The Gallipolis Journal       
June 4, 1874

Our statement last week that Messrs. Norton, Campbell & Co. made 2010 tons of pig iron last year was incorrect, it should have been 2910 tons.  We must remove our demijohn  from its accustomed place if our reporter does the like again.

A young daughter of Prof. Wilson, in jumping from a tree on Monday, broke the small bone of one of her legs, near the ankle.

Mr. Moses R. Gee, of Huntington township, has commenced building a new flouring mill on Little Raccoon Creek, at the old Mossbarger site.  The old mill will probably be torn down during the coming Fall.  Mr. Gee is a live, money-making, business man.

Silent in Dust.—During the year ending April 1st, 1874, one hundred and ninety persons died in Gallia county, so the assessors' reports show.  The greatest mortality was in Springfield township, where nineteen died.  In the Second Ward of the city and in Guyan township sixteen departed this life each.  In Greenfield; fifteen; Clay, fourteen; and in Morgan and Walnut only three each.

The dedication of the colored Baptist Church on 3d street, this city, will take place June 7th, 1874.  The dedication sermon will be preached by the Rev. Wallace Shelton, of Cincinnati, O., at 11 A.M.  Revs. Patrick Williams and James Ferguson will take part in the ceremonies.  We earnestly request all well-wishers of Christianity to come and assist us on the above named day.

An attempt was made to send a balloon up on Monday evening, but it was too top heavy amd failed to make the ascension.  We hear that a big one will go up next Monday evening.

An inquest of lunacy was held on Wednesday by the Probate Court over Charles Gilliland, of Sandfork, who had been  in jail for some time.  He was adjudged insane, and on Monday Sheriff Ripley, in company with the unfortunate man's brother, left with him for the lunatic asylum at Athens.  His insanity is thought to be hereditary.

A new business has been started by Dr. Wall in Gallipolis, viz:—a tobacco factory.  Ourself, like the general reader, was not aware that the business of manufacturing tobacco and cigars was carred on so extensively in our midst.  On Monday we passed through the factory, and found that it far exceeded our anticipations.  The Dr. has on hand about 20,000 pounds of tobacco ready for the manufactory.  He runs eleven hands, four men and seven boys.  They were all hard at work when we called.  Nearly all of the tobacco is from Guyan township, has no bitterness, is lighter colored, is uniform in color and is fifty per cent better than Old Va. tobacco.  The tobacco is mostly put up in four-ounce plugs and sixes.  Before this it goes through a steaming process at 210 Farenheit, which is about equivalent to two years' age.  The Dr. has not commenced selling yet, his revenue stamps not having come.  He has on hand 10,000 stogies and cigars; 500 lbs. of plug tobacco in boxes, and about 1,000 lbs. ready to be put in the boxes.  Taken as a whole it is a big business, and the Dr. deserves the patronage and thanks of all our citizens.

The Gallipolis Journal       
June 11, 1874

'Squire Unroe was re-elected Justice of the Peace in Guyan township, the other day, by a good, round majority.

A balloon was sent up on Monday evening, which caught fire, and fell upon the stable of Mr. H. N. Bailey.  Water puts out fire.

David Evans, of Perry township, was pronounced insane by the Probate Court last week.  Sheriff Ripley leaves with him for Athens to-day (Thursday).

The many friends in this city, of Mrs. Mary Beckert, (nee Kling) of Pittsburg, will regret to hear of the serious accident which has befallen her young daughter.  The child fell through a hatch-way, from the second story to the first, receiving serious injury about the head.  News received by telegram on Saturday was to the effect that the child could not, probably, recover.

Mr. J. C. Cowden, who has been absent in the South for the last three years, returned home Saturday.

RASH.—Not being able to stand the steady pressure of the ordinance, we hear that a beer saloon will be built this week on Pine street, between Fifth and Sixth streets (just outside of the corporation) where plenty can be had.  Futhermore, we hear that it is to be opened next Saturday morning.  We have also heard the name of the proprietor, but we withhold it trusting that he is a man of better, cooler judgment.

The Gallipolis Journal       
June 18, 1874

Alexander Houlsworth died at his residence in Raccoon township, Gallia county, June 11th, 1874, of dropsy of the heart.  He was born Sept. 4th, 1806, in Green county, Pa., moved to Ohio in 1838, being a resident of this county thirty-six years.  He was a kind husband, indulgent father, and good citizen.  A companion and five children mourn their loss, but not as those who have no hope.  He died as he had lived, a Christian.  Funeral at the Free Baptist Church, at Rio Grande, on the 12th inst.  Sermon by Rev. L. Z. Haning: Heb. 11-16

Rev. O. H. Newton, late Chaplain of the Penitentiary, has received a call from the Presbyterian Church at Mt. Vernon.

The child of Mrs. Mary Beckert, which we announced as being seriously injured by a fall through a hatchway, died on Wednesday of last week.  The family have the sympathy of many friends here.

Inquest.—On Sunday morning, Mrs. Mary Cobb, a colored woman living on Third street, was found dead upon the floor of her dwelling.  The Coroner was notified, who, summoning a jury, held an inquest.  The verdict was death from apoplexy.  The deceased was about thirty-six years of age.  Her husband works on the river.

Mr. Joseph Morrison, a former well-known resident of this city, but now residing in Muscatine, Iowa, called upon us Monday.  He is in the city visiting relatives and friends.  He is the Treasurer of his county.

Charles E. Fry, late Corporal of Co. "F," 33d Reg't. Ohio Inf. Vols., will learn something to his interest by calling on, or addressing Eben N. Harper, Attorney at Law, Gallipolis, Ohio.

Miss Cora Bayes, of this city, who has been teaching school in the Clendinen district, across the river, returned home on Thursday, the term having expired.

Saturday evening a balloon was sent up from the Public Square.  After the balloon ascended, the boys built bonfires and threw turpentine balls.  During the fun the colored band was on hand and played excellent music.  We saw, we listened, we were pleased.  It was the intention to send up another balloon, twenty feet long and forty feet in circumference, which had been prepapred, on Tuesday evening, but the wind was too high and it did not go up.  We are not advised when it will rizup.

A Beer Case.—On Friday Henry Morton was arrested upon the affidavit of Samuel Langley for keeping a room where beer was habitually sold in violation of the ordinance.  The trial came on before the Mayor, who, upon hearing the testimony, thought there was not sufficient evidence to convict and discharged Morton.  Morton has been keeping the "Sample Room" since Hall crossed the river.

Mr. John A. Eakin, formerly of Kygerville, in this county, and his son Mr. John W. Eakin, were elected the other day members of the Directory of the New Castle Coal and Salt Company.  They own considerable stock in this company.

Kleptomania.—One John W. Tucker, on Friday, broke into the house of a colored man by the name of Henry Norvel, living on Mill Creek, and, nailing $14, pranced out.  There was no one at home at the time, and Tucker secured the money by cutting open a carpet bag containing it.  Marshal Dale was notified, and on Saturday he caught him, and took from him $9 of the money, the remainder having been spent.  Tucker was taken before 'Squire Logue, and, in default of $100 bail, sent to jail, where he is awaiting September's grand jury and undergoing a change of heart.

The Gallipolis Journal       
June 25, 1874

State Temperance Convention.  A State Convention of Women's Temperance League met at Springfield, on the 17th.  There was a large attendance and interesting proceedings.  Miss H. U. Maxon, and Miss M. A. Royce represented the Gallipolis League.  The convention continued in session two days.  [ . . .]

The balloon which was sent up last week has been recovered and brought back.  Mr. Lud. Langley informs us that it will again be sent up on the Fourth.  This is the largest paper balloon ever successfully inflated in the State.

Mr. John Morgan's dwelling house at Centerville, was struck by lightning during a storm the other night.  Some boards were knocked off the gablle end.  No further damage.  Two men, one woman and five children were in the house at the time.  Lightning-rod men will remain in Centerville during the heated term.  Already they groan.

Prof. W. H. G. Adney, formerly of this county, now of Jefferson College, Pa., has gone to Colorado to join an exploring expedition.

John Lewis, aged 9 years, son of Mr. John Lupton, died very suddenly on the 17th.  His death was caused, it is supposed, by jumping and tumbling, producing an internal injury.

George Hibbens, of late an inmate of the Athens Lunatic Asylum, died at Athens last week.  His body was brought here and buried on Wednesday.

Golden Wedding.—Mr. William Weaver and his wife, Mrs. Catharine Weaver, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding at their residence in the upper end of the city, on Monday.  Children and grand-children were present.  These parties are old, and await the mandate which commands their exit for "over there."

Graduated.—On Thursday evening the class of 1874 of the Gallia Academy delivered their graduating essays.  The evening was oppressive with heat, but a large crowd was present.  The essays are spoken of, by those present, as being far above the ordinary.  The names of the graduating class are:  Misses Ida Nevius, Ella Mills, Clara Langley and Eugenie Langley.  The diplomas were presented by Mr. S. Y. Wasson with appropriate remarks. 

Dr. Reuben A. Vance, of New York, has returned to this city from attendance upon the American Medical Association, recently held at Detroit.  We understand he will spend the Summer months with his friends in this city, returning to New York about the 1st of October.

Fire.—On Monday afternoon, the stable belonging to Dr. F. A. Cromley, in the rear of his residence on Third street, caught fire and burned down.  A horse, buggy, harness, saddle, hay and corn were in the barn when it caught fire.  The horse and buggy were saved.  The hay, corn, harness, etc., were consumed.  [. . .]  Just how the fire originated is a mystery.

The Gallipolis Journal       
July 9, 1874

Mr. Sigler W. Mauck, of Cheshire township, graduated at Hillsdale College, Mich., on the 18th ult.  There were twenty-four in the class.

Mr. John A. Eakin, formerly of this county, sold his interest in the New Castle Coal & Salt Co., at West Columbia, last week, to H. G. Daniel, and will remove to Middleport.

Improvements.—The McHale Bros. are building a brick residence on Front street opposite Capt. Blagg's.  Judge Kent is putting another story upon his residence.  Dr. Cromley has built a new barn in the place of the one recently burned.

Mr. Frank Halliday, his sister, Miss Annie, and Mr. Fred Henking, returned from Delaware, Ohio, last week, where they have been attending college.  S. D. Hutsinpiller and Charles Waddell have returned home from Delaware College.

Mrs. Bailey, wife of Dr. S. C. Bailey, of Columbus, and daughter, are in the city visiting old friends.  They are the guests of Mrs. Alfred Henking.

The Gallipolis Journal        July 16, 1874

Sad Accident.  On Tuesday of last week Mr. John W. McCormick, his son Wayland, (aged about seventeen years) Mrs. Vesta L. McCormick, wife of Mr. James McCormick, and her aunt, Mrs. Loring, from Belpre, Ohio, started in an express for Portland, Jackson county.  The first named was going off on business, his son was to bring the express back, and Mrs. McCormick was returning with her aunt, who had been here on a visit, to Belpre.  While going down the hill at Oak Hill a bolt which fastened a single-tree to the double-tree slipped out, causing the single-tree to drop down on the heels of one of the horses.  The horse commenced kicking, and becoming unmanageable, pulled one side of the express upon a steep bank, and thew all in the express out, Mrs. Loring falling upon Mrs. McCormick.  The ladies were taken into a house close at hand, and Mr. McCormick went to Portland for a physician.  Upon examination the latter pronounced none of the injuries serious, and leaving the ladies in good hands Mr. McCormick, supposing that nothing serious would result from the fall, went on upon his trip.  The next day Mr. James McCormick went out and found his wife, with Mrs. Loring, where they had been left, and neither complaining of injuries received.  On Thursday night, however, Mrs. McCormick died from internal injuries received.  Mrs. Loring, the lady who fell upon her, was very heavy, weighing perhaps two hundred pounds.  The body was brought home and, on Friday, was interred at Mt. Zion Church; funeral services by Rev. Tracy.  The deceased was a sister of Mr. David Trobridge of Ohio township.  Mr. McCormick has the sympathy of many friends.

Narrow Escape.—Three small children belonging to Mr. Cincinnatus Topping, of Porter, were poisoned last week, from eating Western Reserve cheese.  It is supposed that the stuff used in coloring it contained the poisonous matter.  Under the treatment of Dr. Gardner the children were brought through safely.

Miss Ann A. Davis has returned home to spend the vacation with her parents.  She is a member of a University Class at Evanston, Ill., and reports it to be a superior place for ladies to educate.  Rev. F. G. Davis, who returned with her for a short visit home, leaves again to-day (Wednesday), for his charge at Dalton, Ill.

Mr. T. M. Shank, of St. Albans, Kanawha Co., W. Va., has invented a Water Meter.  The model has just been completed at the shops of Messrs. Enos, Hill & Co.  We saw it in operation a few days since.  It performed its work well, working with the greatest regularity and certainty, whether throwing off an inch stream or mere drops.  These inventions have heretofore been unsuccessful, but we can see no defect in this.  It is the opinion of competent judges, who have seen it work, that it will do its work well under any circumstances and in all situations.

The temperance meeting at the Centenary Church, in Green township, last Wednesday evening, was well attended.  Speeches were made by Dr. Fletcher, Hon. E. A. Stone, Dr. Mills, and others.  The sentiment of the country is right upon this question.

The young man, Devenbaugh, who was accidentally shot while hunting last week, is still at the Infirmary, and is improving.  He is not wholly beyond danger but his physicians are having hope strengthened.

Mr. James Gills has commenced work upon a new residence for Mrs. Thomas Halliday.  It is located on Second street, opposite the residence of W. Y. Miles, Esq.

Miss Ann A. Davis has returned home to spend the vacation with her parents.  She is a member of a University Class at Evanston, Ill., and reports it to be a superior place for ladies to educate.  Rev. F. G. Davis, who returned with her for a short visit home, leaves again to-day (Wednesday), for his charge at Dalton, Ill.

Mr. T. M. Shank, of St. Albans, Kanawha Co., W. Va., has invented a Water Meter.  The model has just been completed at the shops of Messrs. Enos, Hill & Co.  We saw it in operation a few days since.  It performed its work well, working with the greatest regularity and certainty, whether throwing off an inch stream or mere drops.  These inventions have heretofore been unsuccessful, but we can see no defect in this.  It is the opinion of competent judges, who have seen it work, that it will do its work well under any circumstances and in all situations.

The temperance meeting at the Centenary Church, in Green township, last Wednesday evening, was well attended.  Speeches were made by Dr. Fletcher, Hon. E. A. Stone, Dr. Mills, and others.  The sentiment of the country is right upon this question.

The young man, Devenbaugh, who was accidentally shot while hunting last week, is still at the Infirmary, and is improving.  He is not wholly beyond danger but his physicians are having hope strengthened.

Mr. James Gills has commenced work upon a new residence for Mrs. Thomas Halliday.  It is located on Second street, opposite the residence of W. Y. Miles, Esq.

Our Schools.—On Saturday Prof. Ferguson, Principal of the colored school, tendered his resignation to the Board of Education.  Miss M. A. Royse has declined the appointment recently tendered her.  Miss Mary Vanden has been elected to fill a department during the coming year.  She will receive $30 per month.

We are indebted to Mr. H. B. McIntyre, of Nebraska, for a copy of the "Kearney Times."  We find in it a letter from Cozad, whither a number of our citizens have gone for settlement.  The town and country around contains some thirty families, together with some sixty men whose families have not yet arrived.  A large emigration is expected this fall.  The town now boasts of some 15 or 20 houses.  In speaking of the business houses the writer says:

Hardware.  This business is represented by Mr. Alexander McIntyre, who has a large stock of shelf and heavy hardware, being the only one he does all the business in that line.  Mr. Stevens keeps a boarding house,  which the writer speaks of as second to none in the State.  Crops look well, and high hopes are entertained of an abundance of corn and oats.  All the residents complain of, says the writer, is the prevailing high wind.

The Gallipolis Journal   
July 23, 1874

Mr. James Williams has nearly completed his new residence at the intersection of Second and Grape streets.  The building greatly improves the appearance of the corner.  The work was done by Mr. James Gills.

Garnett, a little daughter of Mr. E. S. Williamson, and grand-daughter of Mrs. Coleman, fell from a bank on Front street Friday evening, and had both bones of her left fore arm broken.  Drs. Newton and Sanns reset the bones, and the little sufferer is doing as well as could be expected.

A little child of Mr. Jefferson Peters, of Huntington township, fell into a kettle of hot water, on Tuesday of last week, and was so severely scalded as to die within twenty-four hours.

An old gentleman by the name of Slack was sun struck just above the Fair Grounds on last Wednesday.  Under good medical treatment he is rapidly recovering.

There was a race on Tuesday afternoon between the steamers Chesapeake and Katydid.  The former came into port ahead.

Mr. Reuben Graham, of Green township, has been a subscriber to the Journal ever since it started, in 1817.  He was in the office Saturday and paid for another year.  Like all prompt paying patrons of the press, he has been successful in accumulating the things of this world.

A tow boat having seven large barges of staves in tow stuck on the bar just above the city on Tuesday.

The bathing ordinance was passed.  It is finable to use the river front for that purpose, either day or night, between Court and State streets, but is allowed at the foot of these streets after dark.

Semon Arrested.  On Monday, upon the affidavit of Policeman Cromley, Charles Semon was arrested for violation of the beer ordinance.  When the case was called up, Mr. Semon was not ready for trial on account of the absence of his attorney from the city.  [. . .

The Gallipolis Journal       
July 30, 1874

A small frame house just above the old paper mill in Fourth street, caught fire on Monday evening, but was soon extinguished.  It belonged to Capt. Jonathan Hamilton.  There was a big fire alarm.

Westerman High School.  The Fall Session of this School will begin Tuesday, August 11th.  For further information address Geo. Cherington, Principal, Pine Grove, Gallia Co., O.

Mr. Berry, of Addison township, lost a stack of wheat by lightning Friday night.  Lightning struck the dwelling house of Mr. Wm. Fulton, in Addison township, Friday night.  The damage was light, and no one injured.

Capt. John A. Hamilton, Cashier of the First National, has gone on a visit to Colorado.

Messrs. Mullineaux, Lawson & Co., are erecting a  fine law office for D. B. Hebard, Esq., on the lot opposite the Court-house.

Devenbaugh, the young man who was recently accidentally shot, will recover.  His collar bone having been shot away, he will have but little use of his arm.  There is a cavity in front of his shoulder large enough to put your open hand in.  He is at the Infirmary yet, while the balance of his company are below the city in their boat.  Devenbaugh is pluck, [sic] and says he will finish his intended trip down the river before returning home.

The Gallipolis Journal       
August 6, 1874

We have been shown an ingenious piece of mechanism, the work of J. A. LeClercq, formerly of this city.  It is a chair when folded, and a stepladder when opened.  It shows genius and skill.

Mrs. Dr. Clancey, of Cincinnati, is seriously ill at the residence of her father, Capt. John Hutsinpiller, in this city.

Frank A. Guthrie, Esq., formerly of Gallia, is out as a candidate for the legislature from Mason county, W. Va.  He proposes to make it hot.

Johnson's eating house, on Second steet, was entered and despoiled of its fixtures on Tuesday evening.  Stealing seems not to have been so much the object of the burglars as the destruction of property, which was most complete.

The Gallipolis Journal       
August 13, 1874

Benj. Grove, Esq., of Louisville, the Engineer chosen to lay  out the new Cemetery grounds, is in the city.  The Trustees of the Cemetery met for the first time last week and organized by electing James Mullineaux, Chairman, and Horace H. Jones, Secretary.  This Board will attend to its duties.

Some miscreants on Thursday evening stoned an eating house on Second street belonging to a colored man by the name of Johnson.  What is freedon unless a man can do as he pleases?

A running race between the celebrated champions of the turf, Ivanhoe and Lancaster, which has been talked about for years, has at last been arranged.  We are promised no failure this time.  It will come off on the 3d day of September, over the track of the Fair Grounds, near this city.  The purse is $1,000.  This will be sport for everybody, and we look for a great crowd.  Other races will be arranged.On Sunday evening Mr. J. J. Maxon, having some business with the steamer Daniel Boone, drove to the river with his horse and buggy.  He hitched his horse and went aboard the steamer.  While gone the horse got frightened, broke his fastenings, and ran off.  He brought up in the river, at the upper end of the wharf, among the coal boats.  Damage not extensive.

On Monday Mr. William Bissell, living at Harrisonville, Meigs county, came to this city to inquire concerning Laura Roberts, the woman who was found drowned in the river at this place a few days since.  Mr. B. is a brother-in-law of Laura, having married her sister Lydia.  He stated that Laura's home was at Hull P.O., Athens county; that Laura left his (Mr. Bissell's) house two weeks ago for Middleport, being en route for Covington, Ky.  The last seen of her was on the Thursday evening previous to the finding of her body, at which time she left Middleport, it is supposed on the Chesapeake, for Covington, where John Crowley, the man who wrote the letter, lived.  . . .  The photograph of the elderly man found on her person was that of her father.  Mr. Bissell received all the information sought for from Marshal Dale and Coroner Cromley, and returned on Tuesday to his home to see what her father proposed having done with the body, now buried here.  Mr. B. first knew of Laura's fate from the Journal.

Rocks and Revolvers.  On Monday evening there was a row on Menager's corner between Frank Short and Enos Jones, two young men of our city.  We hear the story thus:  Short had some kind of a difficulty with Jones in the morning and Short followed him all day, telling him, that he would have revenge before 9 o'clock at night.  Jones evaded him as much as possible, but in the evening they met on the above-mentioned corner, and renewed their difficulties.  Jones turned to leave him saying that he wouldn't fight him.  As he was turning to leave he said:  "Now, I'm goind to turn my back to you, and don't strike me with that boulder as I go off."  When Jones turned Short struck him in the back with a boulder which he had in his hand.  Jones was not knocked down, but turned and saw Short cocking a revolver, whereupon he (Jones) drew a revolver and shot twice at Short, and ran into Johnson's saloon.  Short followed him into the saloon, where they again met face to face, both snapping revolvers at each other.  Jones got out of the saloon and ran into Semon's, when Officer Cromley arrested him.  Short left the city, and has not been arrested.  Jones was tried by the Mayor on Tuesday morning and discharged.

Mr. R. T. Enos and bride are at Niagara Falls.  They will make a tour through the Eastern States before returning home.

Gallia Academy.  This institution we understand will commence its next term probably on the 7th of September next, that being the first Monday in the month.  Those who wish to secure a thorough education and fit themselves for college will find it for their interest to attend the Academy.  Mr. Chase is expected to take charge of the school, assisted by Mr. Stephen Jones, who has much experience in teaching, and other teachers.  This school in its library and apparatus for illustration furnish aids that no other school in this region is possessed of.  It is now admitted by all competent teachers that our union schools, cost what they may, cannot fit boys for college as they ought to be fitted.  The next issue of the Journal and Bulletin will contain the annual advertisement to which attention is invited.  Simeon Nash.

On Friday afternoon while the towboat Sam Roberts was coming up by Guyan bar her boiler exploded, setting fire to the boat and burning her to the water's edge.  She had in tow barges laden with ore designed for Pittsburg.  She had made two unsuccessful attempts to pass through the chute, and on the third the explosion occurred.  Two men were killed instantly, one died the next day, and three were badly scalded and burned.  Saturday morning the dead and wounded were taken up on the Emma Graham
[. . .]   The explosion was so strong as to throw fragments into fields on both sides of the river.  [. . .]  The following is a complete list of the killed and wounded: Killed, Dudley Holland, watchman; Frank Roush, fireman; Samual Fitch, fireman.
     Seriously injured, David Williamson, pilot, badly scalded and bruised; leg broken; Captain Dan. DeWolf, scalded and bruised about the head and shoulders; Healy DeWolf, clerk, arm broken and head injured; Jacob Hunker, engineer, back injured and feet scalded; Charles Anderson, mate, cut and bruised on the neck and shoulders; John W. Thompson, steward, feet badly scalded. George Conine, cook, was slightly injured; Peter Zeise, second engineer, and the balance of the crew were uninjured.

The Gallipolis Journal       
August 20, 1874

About four o'clock on Friday the roof of the warehouse of Kling, Shober & Co., caught fire.  An alarm was sounded, but nearly everybody thought it was sounded for the Fire Company to come out and drill, hence but little excitement.  Water thrown from a bucket set things right, and the Fire Company, though promptly on hand, was not needed.

Lead and Legs.—Two fellows, on last Thursday evening, visited the hen roost of 'Squire Hampton, just above town, with the intention of dividing his poultry.  The 'Squire heard them pulling at his pullets, and, breaking from the soft embraces of sleep, went out to see the scenery.  He soon began to act foolish with a revolver, and the thieves left his premises in deep disgust.

That New Boat.  At noon on Sunday Captain Jonathan Hamilton's new boat, the Wild Gazelle, arrived from the Muskingum River, where she had been delayed on account of low water.  On Monday we took a look at the new craft.  We found her all we expected.  She has a thirteen by fourteen inch cylinder and a return flue boiler twelve inches in diameter.  She is eighty feet in length; fourteen feet wide; will consume about one and a half tons of coal per day; draws four feet of water at the stern and two at the bow.  Four men will constitute the entire crew.  Capt. Hamilton will go on the roof, and J. J. Pool in the office.  She started on Tuesday for Ironton, it being the intention of the owners to put her in the trade between this city and Ironton.  The entire cost of the boat is nearly $9,000.

Mr. O. M. Carter, who has been attending the School of Design at Lebanon, returned on Sunday.  He talks of getting up a class in penmanship and drawing in the city.  Specimens of his course may be seen at the Book Store.

Mr. Charles Henking returned last week from the Healing Springs, Va., where he has been some time.  He is improved in health.

About four o'clock on Friday the roof of the warehouse of Kling, Shober & Co., caught fire.  An alarm was sounded, but nearly everybody thought it was sounded for the Fire Company to come out and drill, hence but little excitement.  Water thrown from a bucket set things right, and the Fire Company, though promptly on hand, was not needed.

Lead and Legs.—Two fellows, on last Thursday evening, visited the hen roost of 'Squire Hampton, just above town, with the intention of dividing his poultry.  The 'Squire heard them pulling at his pullets, and, breaking from the soft embraces of sleep, went out to see the scenery.  He soon began to act foolish with a revolver, and the thieves left his premises in deep disgust.

That New Boat.  At noon on Sunday Captain Jonathan Hamilton's new boat, the Wild Gazelle, arrived from the Muskingum River, where she had been delayed on account of low water.  On Monday we took a look at the new craft.  We found her all we expected.  She has a thirteen by fourteen inch cylinder and a return flue boiler twelve inches in diameter.  She is eighty feet in length; fourteen feet wide; will consume about one and a half tons of coal per day; draws four feet of water at the stern and two at the bow.  Four men will constitute the entire crew.  Capt. Hamilton will go on the roof, and J. J. Pool in the office.  She started on Tuesday for Ironton, it being the intention of the owners to put her in the trade between this city and Ironton.  The entire cost of the boat is nearly $9,000.

Mr. O. M. Carter, who has been attending the School of Design at Lebanon, returned on Sunday.  He talks of getting up a class in penmanship and drawing in the city.  Specimens of his course may be seen at the Book Store.

Mr. Charles Henking returned last week from the Healing Springs, Va., where he has been some time.  He is improved in health.

The Gallipolis Journal       
September 3, 1874

Mr. William Preston, Jr., of Illinois, is here on a visit to his brother, Mr. James Preston.  The old friends of the family will, we know, be glad to hear that Mr. Preston, Sen., is alive and in the enjoyment of fair health.  He has reached the age of 91 years.  He was for years Surveyor of this county, and a prominent and popular school teacher, many of our older citizens having taken their first lesson from him.

   On Friday morning a dispatch came over the lines to Frank Barrett, from Desmoines, Iowa, stating that his wife had been murdered in that city on Thursday night.  The operator was unable to have the dispatch delivered as Barrett was not to be found in the city.  Nothing more was thought of the matter until Saturday morning, when Marshal Dale received the following telegram from the Marshal of Desmoines:
"City Marshal:—Ella, wife of Frank Barrett, was murdered in her room last Thursday night.  Look for Barrett in your city."
     Marshal Dale has been unable to find Barrett, he, as yet, having failed to put in an appearance.  Barrett was born and raised in this county.  He left several years since for Iowa, where he married the lady referred to in the telegram.

The many friends of Mr. Jacob Kerr, in this county, will be glad to hear of his welfare.  In a business letter to the editor, dated Victoria, Ill., Aug. 25th, Mr. K. says: "We cannot do without the old reliable Journal.  It is eagerly perused every week, as soon as it comes to hand.  The weather has been too dry and hot for a full crop of corn this season, but corn that was planted early will make a fair crop.  I think mine will make 50 bushels per acre; other crops were tolerably good; fruit rather scarce.  Money seems to be plenty, and farm products bring a fair price, so that farmers are looking for better times."

At the horse races on Saturday one of the horses flew the track and jumped a fence, throwing the rider, John Evan Jones, from the saddle, bruising his shoulder badly.  Dr. Cromley brought him right again.

Bill Little, or Little Bill, (you takes your choice,  you know,) an individual of gingerbread hue, was captured by Marshal Dale on Thursday night.  Bill stole Bashore's Brahmas the other night.  A preliminary examination was held before 'Squire Kerr, who, determined on protecting chicken perches, sent Bill to jail in default of $100 bail.  Forty cents a day and no fried chicken!

There was a drove of Gypsies camped in Chickamauga bottom last week.  The men traded horses, and the women told fortunes.  They were about twenty-five in number.

Thomas Williams, late of Co. D, 31st Regiment, United States Colored Troops, will learn something of advantage to him by calling on or addressing Eben N. Harper, Att'y, Gallipolis, Ohio.

Jim Hall, a notorious burglar, and supposed to be the man who murdered W. H. Tolley, of Jackson, some time ago, was arrested recently in Pickaway county, but not until he had been shot.  Hall is in jail at Jackson.  Tolley formerly lived at Rodney, in this county.

Ed. Ralph, the fellow who cut Mike Funk in the neck last week, is in jail in default of $200.  Funk is able to be out.

The Gallipolis Journal       
September 17, 1874

Rio Grande, Gallia Co., O., Sept. 13, 1874
Editor Journal:—Please announce in your paper, that the corner stone of Rio Grande College will be laid on Wednesday, the 30th inst.  Speakers will be secured for the occasion.  From 10 1/2 A.M. to 12, short addresses on moral and educational topics. Special addresses before placing the stone, to begin at 1 P.M.  All are invited, and those who can, will bring baskets well filled with provisions.  I. Z. Haning, Pres.

Apprehension and Arrest.  On Tuesday night of last week, upon the affidavit of Mayor Bird filed with 'Squire Kerr, a warrant was issued for the arrest of Samuel J. Langley charging him with attempting to fire the dwelling house of the Mayor the previous Sunday night.  Marshal Dale arrested Langley and took him before the Magistrate, who, after a preliminary examination, bound him over to await the action of the grand jury in the sum of $500.  Langley not being able to give the required bond was taken to jail where he now is.  The evidence before the J. P. was that L. bought powder and fuse at D. S. Ford's store the previous evening. When called upon to explain what he intended to do with these he said they were to fire a cannon.  There are others who are supposed to be implicated in the affair, but no further arrests have been made.

Mr. W. H. Woolweaver, of this city, is at work at Wellston, Jackson county, putting up ten brick houses for Hon. H. S. Bundy.

Miss Cynthia Matthews, of Vinton, and Mr. A. S. Dutton, of Cheshire, have been engaged to teach in the Pomeroy public schools during the coming year.

Mrs. Mary Fuller, relict of the late Gen. Alphonso Fuller, celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of her wedding, in Quaker Bottom, the other day.

The river editor of the Cincinnati Gazette thus speaks of a former Gallipolis boy: E. A. Donnally, son of Captain Gus Donnally, is assisting Mr. C. W. Woodbury in the office of the Mary Miller.  Although only nineteen years of age, he may claim to be the champion penman on the river.

The Gallipolis Journal       
October 1, 1874   

Mr. Eugene Donnally and his sister-in-law, Mrs. F. J. Donnally, and her child, were out buggy-riding on Friday evening, and when near Mr. John A. Rodgers' the horse became frightened at some cattle, and in its efforts to run upset the buggy throwing Mrs. D. and child out injuring them slightly.  Mr. D. was out of the buggy at the time arrempting to check the horse.

We have received a specimen of Sorghum molasses from Mr. W.F. Cherington, of Springfield township.  It is a prime article.  It was manufactured on a home-made evaporator, an invention of Mr. C. himself.  It was made at the shop of Messrs. J. M. Kerr & Co., by that skillful workman, Mr. Perry Ralph.  It does its work right well.

We regret very much to learn that our old friend Gen. A.T. Holcomb, of Vinton, received another paralytic stroke on Saturday evening.  He is said to be in a bad condition, we, however, hope to hear of his recovery.

There were several driving accidents in the city last week.  The six mile an hour rule is shelved when horsemen come.

A man whose name we failed to learn met with a fatal mishap on last Friday at the old Haptonstall mill, on Symmes Creek, in Perry township.  The man was an engineer in the employ of Mr. John Evans, the owner of the mill, and after turning on steam, went to start the fly-wheel.  He bore too heavily upon it and losing his balance fell in the hole where the wheel revolves.  The result was instant death.

Alex Baird, jr., formerly of this county, is Superintendent of the Knoxville, Tenn. city schools.

In casting our eyes around over things on exhibition at the Fair we accidentally saw a fine set of single Buggy Harness.  Upon inquiry we found the set to be from the shop of our townsman, Mr. H. R. Bell, and made by his son, James D. Bell.—Close examination showed them to be all and more than the cursory examination revealed.  They were made exclusively by hand, were gold mounted, and the workmanship thereon, in our judgment, cannot be excelled.  [. . .]  The harness can be seen at the shop of Mr. Bell, on Court street.  The price of the Harness is $60, and well worth the money.

Mr. Joseph Drouillard, sr., let the folks hear from him on Monday by sending them a sixty-eight pound cat fish which he caught at Greenbottom Riffle.

A horse attached to a buggy ran away at the foot of Third street Thursday afternoon, smashing the gilt-edged, rose-tinted landaulet up generally.  Hang up your horse when you leave him.

The Gallipolis Journal       
October 8, 1874

Granger Burial.—Mr. John Bridgman, the unfortunate man who was killed at the old Haptonstall mill, mentioned by us last week, was a Granger, and as such was buried by the Osage Lodge of Grangers, of which he was a member, on Sunday week.  The Order used their regular service, which is said to be beautiful and impressive.  Mr. B. was an upright man and a good citizen.  This is the first Granger burial in the county.

Dr. W. W. Mills has changed his residence and office to the "Boggs house" on State street, nearly opposite Langley's mill.

The Central Ohio M. E. Conference, in session at Newark, on Friday elected officers to organize the Districts in behalf of the Ladies' and Pastors' Christian Union.  Mrs. W. Y. Miles, of this city was elected Vice President of the Gallipolis district.  The Conference has granted a Supernumerary relation to Rev. G. W. Isaminger, of this city, and  Rev. E. V. Bing has been granted a superannuated relation.

The stray horse advertised in the Journal last week belonged to Mr. A. P. Rodgers.  It was undoubtedly stolen, and after being rode [sic] some distance was turned home.

The Gallipolis Journal       
October 15, 1874

Mrs. Julia Billings and Miss Maria Minturn have fitted up a room on Grape street between Front and Second steets, formerly occupied by Mr. Cheney as a tailor shop, where they are ready to do plain Sewing of all kinds.  Will also do all styles and kinds of HAIR WORK, such as Watch Guards, Hair Flowers, Switches, Curls, Puffs, etc.  They will prepare Feather Flowers, Wax Work, and any kind of Fancy Work.  They will be pleased to see their Lady frriends, and are certain they can suit them in Price, Quality and Style.

Horses attached to the carriage of Mr. John Dages became frightened and ran off on Sunday, damaging the carriage and harness somewhat.  Mr. Dages and sons were in the carriage at the time, but escaped uninjured.

Stiff and Stark.—On Thursday the body of a colored man was found in the river at Nesbitt's Landing, about five miles below the city.  Coroner Cromley, upon notification,  held an inquest over the body, the jury returning a verdict of accidental drowning.  There were no marks of violence, or any means of identification.  The deceased was apparently about twenty-five years of age, and is supposed to have been a deck-hand on some steamboat.  The body, which had been in the water ten or twelve days, was buried on the river bank.

WANTED!  The post office address of Jerome F. Fry, late Lieutenant of Company I, 18th Reg't, O.V.I.   M. W. Cordell, Att'y at Law, Meadvillle, Hamilton Co., O.

Mr. T. W. Blake, of Springfield township, was in the office a few days since, and renewed his subscription.  He is one of the Old Guard, having been a continuous subscriber to the Journal for over forty years.

Mr. Joseph Bradbury, Jr., Miss Sallie Mathews and Prof. T. J. Ferguson are teaching in the Middleport public schools.

Militia.  A movement is on foot in our city to organize a company of independent militia under the laws of the State.  Two companies are even being talked of.  The State will furnish arms, accoutrements, tents, equipage, etc., to the companies upon bond being given to the State in twice their value for their return.  Militia men get one dollar per day for their services when on duty  under the call of the Governor, Mayor or Sheriff; at other times nothing.  They are exempt from road work and from juries.  Let the companies be gotten up; elect officers, and make requisitions upon the Adjutant General for arms, etc.

The Gallipolis Journal       
October 22, 1874

Boiler Explosion 
Kling, Shober & Co.'s Foundry and Machine Shop Wrecked
     Shortly after 3 o'clock on Thursday afternoon our citizens were startled by a low, deep explosion in the lower end of the city.  It was soon learned that the boiler in the foundry and machine shop of Kling, Shober & Co., had exploded with fearful result. 
     We repaired to the spot and witnessed a spectacle in the shape of destruction of property rarely seen.  The north-west corner of the building was blown entirely out, and thirteen feet of the boiler was found one hundred and forty yards from the building.  It had passed over a tree forty feet high, through an orchard, severing large limbs from the trees, knocked off the corner of a dwelling on Grape street, occupied by Mr. Ridenour, and injuring the side of the house adjacent.  Bricks, timbers, stones, etc., were scattered promiscuously over the lower end of the square.  To return to the building, the explosion demolished the engine house, leaving the roof resting upon a crumbling corner of the wall, distributed bricks over the moulding room like chips in a chip yard, broke off timbers six inches in thickness, smashed machinery without limit, knocked out the glass in the building and created general destruction.  So great was the explosion that windows in neighboring buldings were shattered to fragments.
     So great destruction of property must have been accompanied with loss of life.  Mr. John Kling, brother of one of the proprietors, was at the throttle at the time of the explosion, and lived just eight minutes after being extricated from the rubbish.  He had a fearful cut in the head, one of his arms was broken in several places, and the ribs disconnected with the vertebrae.
     Wesley Mayhugh was in the moulding room at the time and received a severe cut in the head, and had an elbow joint separated.  Mr. Fred. Kling was in the finishing room and was struck in the back of the head with some flying missile.  His injuries are not serious.  Mr. Noah Simmons, who was in the cupola weighing metal, was blown twenty feet and thrown upon a scrap pile.  His injuries are slight, and to him the public is indebted for an authentic account of the unfortunate accident.
    Now for the cause.  There are various theories, but the common opinion is that there was not enough water in the boiler.  The engine had not been running for some time before the accident, when Mr. John Kling went back to start it.  When the engine started, and the fly wheel had made two or three revolutions, the explosion took place.  Three engineers of experience, Mr. Frank Torrence, Mr. A. F. Moore and Mr. Jas. Ward, examined the boiler.  They found no soot in the flues and no scales on the inside of the shell, and agreed that the boiler was red hot at the time the engine was started.  Our readers are, perhaps, aware that starting an engine starts the pump which supplies the boiler with water.  This water pumped in upon a red hot boiler is converted instantly to steam, and must escape; if not by valves, by some other means as in this case.
     There were in the Foundry at the time of the explosion seven persons, and the escape with the loss of but one life is providential.  Messrs. Kling, Shober & Co. say that their loss will not fall short of $5,000.  The building, which was brick and three stories high, is badly damaged.  It was comparatively new, having been built about two years since by Kling, Muenz & Co.
     Mr. John Kling, the unfortunate young man, was a son of the late Adam Kling, known to many of our readers.  He was a steady, industrious young man of nearly twenty-one years, and unmarried.  He was a member of the Fire Department of our city, and on Sunday the Department turned out in full uniform and paid their last duties in the burial of their friend and companion.  It made a fine appearance, and was accompanied by the Nourse Brass Band, led by its teacher, Mr. Nourse.  The funeral was the largest ever seen in this city, showing in unmistakable language the sympathy of our people for the bereaved family.

After Apples.  'Twas late on Friday night that Bill Maddy (civil rights Bill) went to the orchard of Mr. E. Betz, on Mill creek, intending to divide his apples.  Mr. B. well knowing that apples in orchards on Mill creek were not safe as treasure stored in Paradise, had employed Mr. Ez. Martin, clothed with a shot-gun, to watch them.  Bill came.  Mr. M. looked along the barrel of said shooting iron—a report.  Bill propelled himself gently from the spot, a load of shot being the inducement so to do; Mr. B.'s apples are safe now.  He has supplied himself with hand grenades.

Prof. E. W. Chase, of the Gallia Academy, was appointed a member of the Board of School Examiners, on Monday, vice Cherington resigned.  Prof. Chase will make a good examiner.  Mr. Cherington enters the ministry.

Miss Alice Hill has removed her Millinery establishment to the Creuzet block, Public Square.

A couple of fellows pounded young Mr. Harvey last week and were sent to jail in default of $200 each.  One of them was bailed out on Monday.

We have received a copy of the Ohio River Pilot, a new river paper started at Ironton.  It is a live sheet.

Statistics.  During the year ending March 21, 1874, there were 659 births in the county.  During the same time there were 187 deaths.  Of the births 10 were illegitimate; 62 were colored.  There were 259 marriages during this time.  September and December led off in the number of marriages, with 35 and 38 respectively.  8 persons were sent to the insane asylum.

The Anniversary Exercises of the Gallia County Bible Society, auxiliary to the American Bible Society, were held on last Sunday evening at the M.E. Church, of this place.  Reports were read by the various officer, and interesting addresses were delivered by Mother Stewart, of Springfield, Ohio, Rev. W. Mitchell, Rev. Battelle and Mr. W. G. Fuller.  The latter gentleman was chosen President for the ensuing year, in place of Mr. W.Y.Miles, who was elected one of the Directors, the other officers remaining as they had been.  A collection was taken for the Bible cause, in addition to those taken at the churches in the morning.  The singing was excellent, and added greatly to the spirit of the occasion, while the quiet respectful attention of the large throng testified to their love for the Bible, and appreciation of its truth and power for good in the world.

The Gallipolis Journal       
October 29, 1874

The Beginning.—Wagons, and even carriages, are now plenty in this county, but there existed a time, even in the recollection of persons now living, when the people had none of these conveniences of travel.  It is of interest, therefore, to learn who were the earliest owners of these conveniences.  We have the authority of Mr. Chellis Safford for the statement that the late Phillip Blazer and the late Wm. Loucks, were the first parties to own wagons in the county.  From the same authority we learn that the first Fanning mill made in the county was the work of a man named Eastman.  So much for the olden times.

Mrs. Albert Wade, a lady living in this township, was before a J.P. on Saturday, charged with shooting a Mrs. Day.  Mrs. Wade waived an examination, and was recognized to Court in the sum of $2,500.  Mrs. Day was shot through the fleshy part of her arm,  the ball lodging in the body where it remains.  The wound is not considered fatal. The cause of the trouble is charged to the criminal intimacy of Mr. Wade and Mrs. Day.

The Black Diamond Minstrels will give a ball in Henking's Hall, on Friday evening, for the benefit of Mr. Wesley Mayhugh, who was injured in the recent boiler explosion, at the foundry of Messrs. Kling, Shober & Co.  This is praiseworthy.  Mr. Mayhugh is an unfortunate and deserving man.  We hope all our dancing friends will patronize with purse and presence.  Tickets, $1; for sale at the Book Store, A. P. Menager & Co,'s and Drouillard's Drug Store.

Mr. and Mrs. William Mullineaux celebrated their tin wedding at their residence, on Monday evening.

A new company has been organized, and a new boat purchased, for the Kanawha trade.  The steamer is named West Virginia, and will be here in a few days.  She will take the days now occupied by the Active.  Col. Cadot, of this city, is one of the stock-holders of the new company, and will probably be its Secretary and Treasurer.  Capt. Becket will command.

The Gallipolis Journal       
November 5, 1874

David Henry, a young man of about sixteen years, living near Patriot, had a difficulty with Mr. Geo. W. Eachus, while they were engaged in a game of croquet, and struck him on the back of the head with a croquet mallet.  We learn that they had trouble about a previous game played some time before.  Henry was arrested and taken before 'Squire Carter, who held him to answer to the charge of assault and battery.  While the 'Squire was making out the mittimus Henry sloped and has not been seen since.  Mr. E. will recover.  Later.—Henry has since returned and surrendered himself to the constable.

Church Burned.—On Sunday the United Brethren Church, between Wood's Mill and Porter, in Springfield township, caught fire from sparks which fell upon the roof, and burned to the ground.  Sabbath school had just closed when the fire was discovered.  The seats, doors, windows, stove and pulpit were saved.

Let Out.  Last week the Trustees of the new cemetery contracted with Mr. James F. Irwin, of our city, to grade the road leading from the Neighborhood Road to the new cemetery, which has been named the Mound Hill Cemetery.  Mr. Irwin is to receive twenty-five cents for each cubic yard of earth removed, and for solid rock, measuring over one cubic yard, seventy-five cents per cubic yard.  The culvert is to be constructed of second class masonry at $2.50 per perch.  It is stipulated in the contract that when earth is borrowed from some other place than the road bed it is to be measured as excavated.  The estimated cost of the entire road, graveling and rocking included, will be between $800 and $1000.  Mr. Irwin's contract will probably cost between $300 and $400.  The road, it will be seen, will not cost so much as many anticipated.

The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Ohio Valley Bank occurred Monday.  The old Board of Directors was re-elected, except that Mr. C. D. Bailey takes the place of Capt. H. N. Bailey.  The Board is as follows:  A. Henking, J.T. Halliday, Wm. Shober, A.W. Alemong and C. D. Bailey.  Mr. Henking was re-elected President, Mr. Halliday, Vice President, and W. T. Minturn, Esq., Cashier.  The Board of Examiners consists of Messrs. Geo. W. Cox, P. A. Sanns and W.H.C. Needham.  A dividend of 8 per  cent was declared for the past year.

On Thursday morning it was discovered that what is known as the "Cole section," in Springfield township, was on fire.  The high winds of that day fanned the flames which spread so rapidly extinguishment was impossible.  Two hundred persons were out and at work to keep the flames from spreading to adjoining fences and fields.  On Saturday morning the fire was measurably out, after having burned over five hundred and fifty acres.  The whole section was timbered land, and owned by Samuel Bispham's heirs, in Philadelphia.  The loss will be quite heavy, as nearly all the small timber is destroyed.  The fire is supposed to have originated from hunting parties who accidentally—let us hope—set it on fire.
The woods in the upper part of Clay township were on fire last Thursday and Friday, destroying much valuable timber and some fence.  Messrs. Irion and Wise are the principal losers.  It is thought that hunters did the work in this case also.

An Episode.  The moon shone sweetly, Policeman dressed neatly—But we will not fix it up poetically; there was some rhyme to it, but sma' poetry.  'Twas Thursday night that Ed. Ralph saw the bottom of several whisky glasses.  He became drunk and disorderly, the latter a sequence of the former.  Policeman Curry came; another sequence.  He started to the lock-up with the boisterous Ralph, who, after he had gone a short distance, struck the policeman on the head with a cane and started to run.  'Neath the coat tails of said policeman was the persuasive revolver.  He pulled it and shot three times at the departing Ralph, one of the shots accidentally passing through his own left forefinger.  Failing to mar the smoothness of Ralph's skin with lead, he started after and overtook the fleeing youth.  To a policeman in that frame of mind revenge was sweeter than a whisky editor's free lunch, and he swung his cane with measured motion, the same descending upon the cranium of the offender, sobering him rapidly.  The following day Ralph was investigated by 'Squire Kerr, who sent him to jail in default of $200.  Now he wants bailing our worse than he did baling out.

Mr. Andrew Campbell, a former well known citizen of this county, but now a resident of Tippecanoe, Ind., arrived in the city Friday, on a visit to relatives and friends.  He is the same genial friend and companion of old.

Jugged. Last week one Enos K. Jones, a young man of our city, stole some clothing from the Fremont House, at Portsmouth, and came to this city.  Officers Dale and W.F. Cromley arrested him on Sunday.  On Monday evening an officer of the law came from Portsmouth and took him there.  The value of the clothing taken is $48.

Mr. O. M. Carter, of Patriot, has gone to teach school at Proctorville, Lawrence county.  Mr. James Clark, of Vinton, has gone to teach in Mercer's Bottom, W. Va.

There were two dances in town last week; one in Aleshire Hall, and one in Henking Hall, for the benefit of Mr. Wesley Mayhugh, who was injured in the recent boiler explosion.

The Gallipolis Journal        November 12, 1874

Shot Himself.—Tuesday morning Charles Collins, aged about fifteen years, and son of a colored man named Jesse Collins, living on the farm of Mr. Abraham Hutsinpiller, in Green township, went out hunting with another colored boy named Charles Kennedy.  He by some means struck the hammer of his own gun, causing it to discharge, the load entering the side of his head.  He died in the evening.

The fires in the West Virginia woods have driven the bears in this direction.  Three have been seen on Salt Creek, and one crossed the river.  The latter was killed near the County Infirmary.

The very low stage of water in the river necessitates the lightest draught boats.  One came into port on Saturday which while loaded drew only seven inches of water.

At one o'clock in the afternoon of last Wednesday the citizens of Centerville discovered that the flouring, saw and carding mills of Mr. J. S. Eakin, in that town, were on fire.  The fire originated from sparks which had fallen from the stack.  Centerville folks having had experience with fire lately soon extinguished the flames.  Around mid-night of the same day, Mr. William McNeal, residing about half a mile from Centerville, awoke from his sleep, and looking out saw Mr. Eakins' mill again on fire.  By the time Mr. McNeal reached town and roused the sleeping populace the fire was under good headway.  The flames were then blazing ten or fifteen feet above the mill, but water well thrown soon put the fire under control.  It is supposed that this second fire caught from the ashes drawn from the grate.  The mills were four stories in height; part being originally an old flouring mill.  Nothing of value was destroyed inside of the mill.

Mr. Alfred Kinder's team attached to a wagon, on Front street, took fright Thursday and ran down the street.  The team was stopped on the wharf.  No damage done.

We notice the death of Captain Thomas T. Wright, at Memphis, the father-in-law of Mr. W. P. Halliday

Rev. F. G. Davis, formerly of this county but now of Illinois, has been by the Rock River Conference M. E. Church, appointed to the West Bureau on Walnut circuit.  His address is Wyanet, Bureau county, Ill.

Shot Himself.—Tuesday morning Charles Collins, aged about fifteen years, and son of a colored man named Jesse Collins, living on the farm of Mr. Abraham Hutsinpiller, in Green township, went out hunting with another colored boy named Charles Kennedy.  He by some means struck the hammer of his own gun, causing it to discharge, the load entering the side of his head.  He died in the evening.

The fires in the West Virginia woods have driven the bears in this direction.  Three have been seen on Salt Creek, and one crossed the river.  The latter was killed near the County Infirmary.

The very low stage of water in the river necessitates the lightest draught boats.  One came into port on Saturday which while loaded drew only seven inches of water.

At one o'clock in the afternoon of last Wednesday the citizens of Centerville discovered that the flouring, saw and carding mills of Mr. J. S. Eakin, in that town, were on fire.  The fire originated from sparks which had fallen from the stack.  Centerville folks having had experience with fire lately soon extinguished the flames.  Around mid-night of the same day, Mr. William McNeal, residing about half a mile from Centerville, awoke from his sleep, and looking out saw Mr. Eakins' mill again on fire.  By the time Mr. McNeal reached town and roused the sleeping populace the fire was under good headway.  The flames were then blazing ten or fifteen feet above the mill, but water well thrown soon put the fire under control.  It is supposed that this second fire caught from the ashes drawn from the grate.  The mills were four stories in height; part being originally an old flouring mill.  Nothing of value was destroyed inside of the mill.

Mr. Alfred Kinder's team attached to a wagon, on Front street, took fright Thursday and ran down the street.  The team was stopped on the wharf.  No damage done.

We notice the death of Captain Thomas T. Wright, at Memphis, the father-in-law of Mr. W. P. Halliday

Rev. F. G. Davis, formerly of this county but now of Illinois, has been by the Rock River Conference M. E. Church, appointed to the West Bureau on Walnut circuit.  His address is Wyanet, Bureau county, Ill.

    Life in these degenerate days is so short that he who has reached three score and ten years is looked upon as a relic of the past, a lone oak of the primitive forest.  Children look upon him with reverence; young men and maidens with respect, and the middle-aged with just consideration.  How much more the prodigy when two having plighted love's young vow at the hymeneal altar a half century since, yet living have love's fondest, purest devotion unalloyed, unspotted and unceasing.
     We had the pleasuure on last Wednesday of attending the golden wedding of our old friend Mr. John Waddell, of Green township.  Mr. W. is not a stranger to our readers.  His personal acquaintance is extensive and pleasant.  The irksomeness of age in not his.  A good memory and splendid descriptive powers always make him acceptable company.  His ancestry were [sic] alike known to our older citizens.  The name, Waddell, is familiar to our readers, being associated with our oldest, respected and trusted citizens.  But to the subject of our sketch.
     Mr. Waddell was born on the 13th of October, 1799, and his wife, a daughter of the late Judge Armstrong, of this county, was born on the 31st of March, 1803.  In 1824, he at the age of twenty-five, and she at the age of twenty-one, both in the prime of vigorous life, united their fortunes in wedlock.  In looking over the old marriage records of our county, in Book D, page 91, we find the following.

The State of Ohio,)
Gallia County, ss.)
     This is to certify that on the 4th day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand  and twenty-four, John Waddell, son of James Waddell, and Lucinda Martin Armstrong, were legally joined in marriage by me a Justice of the Peace in and for the county of Gallia.  Given under my hand and seal this 8th day of November, 1824.   Jacob Bosworth, J. P.
     Just fifty years after this memorable event, yet of happiness, they called their relatives, descendants and family friends about them to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their wedded life.  A dinner was spread and enjoyment was supreme.  What must have been the thoughts of these old people on this occasion?  Like David of old they must have "crowded up too thick for utterance."  Their lives had been one success.  Ten children had blessed their union, four of whom are living, viz: Mrs. William Womeldorff, Mrs. Lydia Hay, Mrs. Lucinda McLoud and Mrs. Nancy Roach.  The couple have sixteen grand-children and six great grand-children now living, and in their old days, the afternoon of life, they are truly happy.  Commencing life with nothing but uncompromising wills, they have accumulated sufficient of the things of this world to ease the decline of life, besides giving to each of their children enough wherewith to commence their terrestrial labors handsomely.  When this race shall have been run, the fight fought, and they be called to say farewell to a group of weeping friends, may they bid welcome to the multitude of ransomed souls, where mansions, crowns and robes are ever ready for the pure in heart.
     In this connection it may not be amiss to say something relative to Mr. Waddell's forefathers.  His grandfather's name was Alexander Waddell.  He came from Scotland to this country and served as a soldier in the Revolutionary War.  He first settled in Virginia; moved to Gallia county in 1820, and died here at the great age of one hundred and two years.  He was for seventy-one years a member of the M.E. Church.  He has four hundred and three descendants.  Mr. John Waddell's father's name was James.  He was born in Bath county, Va., December 7th, 1784; came to Ohio in 1815, and the following year settled on the farm where his son has since lived.  The Waddells as a family, need no praise from our pen.  They are an honest, intelligent and industrious family from first to last.  Not a member of the family  has ever been arrested for criminal offense.  Volumes could not speak more.

The Gallipolis Journal       
November 19, 1874

From the Cheshire Correspondent
D. M. Blosser has returned.  He has been attending school during the past three months at Albany, Ohio.  Miss Belle Guthrie, who has been absent for several months, returned home last Wednesday—"there is no place like home."

Mr. Cam. Hogg, together with brothers and sisters, has sold his valuable farm in Mason county, W. Va., and has located in this place.  We extend to them a hearty welcome and hope they will find Cheshire a pleasant place to live.

Our young friend J. P. Wood, Esq., who has been engaged during the past three months teaching school in the Atwood Institute, is spending a few days in the village.  We are pleased to learn that he is making a worthy and efficient teacher.

A house situated on the farm of Mr. J. T. Agee, and occupied by James Fisher, was set on fire by some daring rascal one day last week, and burned to the ground.  Mr. Fisher and family were absent at the time, and lost part of their household goods.  Too bad that the law can't deal with such men.
From the Rio Grande Correspondent
Mr. Thomas Richards has a mill set on his premises, which is now in running order; he is to furnish lumber for the College.

Mr. Lawrence commences a dwelling house this week on his lot.

Merchants, like teachers, are multiplying.  Rio Grande has one good store owned by J.C. Gross.  Adamsville will soon have two.  J. Varney is now selling goods.  A. W. Wood, Esq., is fitting up a building for that purpose.  Harrisburg also has two; A. W. Ridgeway and L. R. Wood, are furnishing the needfuls.  Several good stores at Centerville, and A. Davis keeps a full supply at the falls of Raccoon, which will be an accommodation, especially in the winter season.

The lots on Main street, fronting the College on the north, are nearly all sold.  They are owned by I. Z. Haning, G. W. Eagle, Lawson & Co., and S. H. Barrett, of Meigs county. 
Mr. A. Troth, late of Jackson, has purchased the southeast lot in our town, which furnishes a beautiful site for a dwelling; he is prepring to erect one.  Rio Grande presents some inducements that larger towns fail to do.

The National Bank of Centerville is now issuing the "greenbacks."  Three of the stockholders are citizens of our town—Mrs. Permelia Wood being the largest one, and L. M. Beman the second.

Mr. M. M. Brandyberry, the agent for the Map of Gallia county, is around "taking names."  We had not time to examine the work, but what we saw of it was very satisfactory—nothing lacking only the picture of Rio Grande College.  It seems to me that it should have a place there by all means.  We consider it well worth the price to know who are the land-holders, and their boundaries.  No family ought to be without one.

The M.E. Church in Gallipolis.

In the year 1766 some immigrants from Ireland established in New York city, the first society known as Wesleyan Methodists in this country.  A few years later, when their numbers had considerably increased, they wrote to John Wesley to send them out some competent preachers.  Richard Boardman and Joseph Pelmoor came in answer to that request, followed in 1771 by Francis Asbury and Richard Wright.  Thus began Methodism in this country,  [. . .]  The act incorporating the first Methodist Society of Gallipolis is dated February 5th, 1819.  [. . .]  On the 5th day of February, 1821, in obedience to the published notice, the members of the Society met at the house of Calvin Shepard, in Gallipolis, and proceeded to elect the first board of Trustees.  The meeting organized by electing Rev. James Gilruth, Chairman, and Calvin Shepard, Secretary.  Thereupon the following members were elected Trustees, to-wit: Calvin Shepard, John Knapp, Moses Brown, Daniel Cowls and Christopher Randall.  The Trustees were qualified before William Preston, J.P.  And this was the beginning of what is now a large and efficient church organization.
Note:  Originally, the article included a list of the first subscribers, but this part of the article had been very neatly cut out of the paper.

Wm. L. Maddy, for $1,700 and other considerations, has become half owner of the steamer Argosy.

Mr. Hiram Jacox went into one of our saloons last week and by some hocus pocus, lost between sixty and seventy dollars.  Mrs. J. is circulating round intending to make it lively for "the boys."

Messrs. R. Aleshire, Dr. John Sanns and John Priestley are the appraisers of the estate of F. L. & J. A, Leclercq..

The Fletcher farm was sold last Saturday, Leonard Beck, Jr., being the purchaser, price
$2,500, in three annual payments.  W.K.S. Hall was the auctioneer.

The wife of Rev. Davis, formerly stationed at Patriot, died at Barnesville, O. last week.

We noticed our friend Gus. Froideveaux in the city on Monday.  He is engaged in the tobacco business at Indianapolis.

June Dunbar, Clerk on the Jessie, is stopping off here.  Among the fair and fragile he is deservedly popular.

The Gallipolis Journal       
November 26, 1874

Dr. Badgett, late of Illinois, has returned to this his native county, where he will engage in the practice of his profession, Dentistry.

Two "confidence" men, James Black and James Sullivan, were arrested last week by Marshal Dale, and taken before Mayor Bird.  They were fined $25 each and costs, and sentenced to street work until paid.  Black's fine was paid.

Two boilers of the Katydid have been condemned by inspectors.  The Andes has gone on the docks at Cincinnati.

Didn't Hit It.—Two young men of our city, George Williams and Jim Black, disagreed in Johnson's saloon on Friday evening.  Sensitive ears don't delight in hearing such names as they called each other.  Williams drew a revolver, cocked the same, and was about to put a hole in Black's shirt, when a bystander struck his (Williams') arm, causing the ball to strike the floor.

Messrs. Ernst Giesler, Christopher Goetting and S. Goetz will be floor managers of the German Ball, to come off at Henking's Hall, December 31st.

Thomas Casebolt, of Harrison township, was arraigned before Esquire Logue, on Monday, charged with the crime of incest.  His own daughter was the prosecuting witness.  He was bound over to Court in the sum of $300, failing to give which, he was committed to jail.

Mrs. Jacob Blackburn, of Cheshire township, brought suit against Reuben Canady and Henry Vaughn, Gallipolis saloonists, last week, for selling liquor to her husband.  She asks $1000 damages.
The Gallipolis Journal        November 26, 1874

Dr. Badgett, late of Illinois, has returned to this his native county, where he will engage in the practice of his profession, Dentistry.

Two "confidence" men, James Black and James Sullivan, were arrested last week by Marshal Dale, and taken before Mayor Bird.  They were fined $25 each and costs, and sentenced to street work until paid.  Black's fine was paid.

Two boilers of the Katydid have been condemned by inspectors.  The Andes has gone on the docks at Cincinnati.

Didn't Hit It.—Two young men of our city, George Williams and Jim Black, disagreed in Johnson's saloon on Friday evening.  Sensitive ears don't delight in hearing such names as they called each other.  Williams drew a revolver, cocked the same, and was about to put a hole in Black's shirt, when a bystander struck his (Williams') arm, causing the ball to strike the floor.

Messrs. Ernst Giesler, Christopher Goetting and S. Goetz will be floor managers of the German Ball, to come off at Henking's Hall, December 31st.

Thomas Casebolt, of Harrison township, was arraigned before Esquire Logue, on Monday, charged with the crime of incest.  His own daughter was the prosecuting witness.  He was bound over to Court in the sum of $300, failing to give which, he was committed to jail.

Mrs. Jacob Blackburn, of Cheshire township, brought suit against Reuben Canady and Henry Vaughn, Gallipolis saloonists, last week, for selling liquor to her husband.  She asks $1000 damages.

The Gallipolis Journal       
December 3, 1874

Mrs. Sarah James died in Morgan township last week, aged ninety-four years.  Her husband, Frank James, died fourteen years ago at the age of ninety-two.  They came from Buckingham county, Va., in 1838, and were the parents of ten children.

A daughter of William Sharon, banker, was married at San Francisco  a few days since, to F. G. Newlands, a lawyer.  At the wedding the father gave the bride a present of one million dollars.  Mr. Sharon is a brother of Mr. L. C. Sharon, one of the good citizens of this county.

We are pleased to be able to state that the hand of Mr. Augustus Wood, who shot a ramrod through his hand at Harrisburg the other day, is improving.  A dozen splinters and the iron off the end of the ramrod have been taken out of the hand.

Messrs. William Cabin and William F. Cromley have joined hands in the blacksmithing business at the old McClurg stand, on Second street.  They will succeed.

A committee of Masons accompanied the remains of Mr. John Patchell to Alexander's burying ground on the Kanawha.  He was a member of Buffalo Lodge.
Caught a Tartar.—Three gamblers on Friday evening, in a Court street saloon, conceived the idea that they had more muscle than anybody in the municipality, and pitched into Mr. Andy Spear.  They soon found that they were only queen high, for Mr. S., straddling the blind, knocked them down and punished them severely.  Thay all begged.

Mr. Warren Yost will leave the books of Mr. John Dages this week to assume the duties of clerk in the Bank of Centreville.  We congratulate Mr. Y. on his preferment, and can assure the people of Centreville that they will find in him all the elements of a gentleman.

Five produce boats left Chambersburg, this county, last Thursday, for Southern markets.  They are loaded principally with flour, potatoes and apples.  The owners are Graham, Riggs and Clark.

Kleptomania.  While Mr. Philo Ripley, of Raccoon township, was at his brother-in-law, Mr. Isaac Dodridge's residence, on Thursday, and Mrs. Ripley was at Centerville, somebody took out a glass in one of the windows of their house, unfastened the window which was nailed down, and going in went through things generally.  The only thing of value missing was a silver watch.  As Mrs. Ripley went to Centerville she saw two strangers sitting on a log by the roadside, and these, it is supposed, are the chaps who did the breaking.  Mr. R. started after the fellows and tracked them to Adamsville.  He came to Gallipolis in the evening and had two men stopping at the Merchant's Hotel arrested on suspicion.  Marshal Dale went through their toggery, but couldn't find the watch, and they were discharged.  Mr. R. is "smelling 'round" and will get the thief or thieves yet.

River News.  Since our last issue the river has risen considerably, and is now in good stage.  The larger boats are coming out, and business on the wharf is resuming.  The Wild Goose, owned by Messrs. Pool and Hamilton, started in the Gallipolis and Huntington trade on Thursday.  The new Kanawha boat, the West Virginia, started to work last week, going to Charleston.  Upwards of six million bushels of coal left Pittsburg on the present rise.  We were in error last week when we said the boilers of the Katydid had been condemned.  They are sound, and the Katydid is making regular trips.

The new boiler for Messrs. Kling, Shober & Co. having arrived, this establishment will soon be in full operation again.

The death of a gentleman in England has left to the three children of Mr. Jules Blanc, of this county, by his first wife, $90,000, or $30,000 each.   Fortune comes with both hands full.

The Gallipolis Journal       
December 10, 1874

Mr. O. M. Carter's assistant in the Proctorville school is Miss Anna Vanden, of Gallipolis, a young lady of fine attainments and most excellent skill as a teacher.  With Mr. C. and Miss V. that school ought to flourish.—Ironton Register.

For the Gallipolis Journal
Mr. Editor:—The Farmers' and Mechanics' Club of Addison, still holds regular meetings.  At their last meeting, which was held last Saturday, Capt. S. Rothgeb gave the Club a lecture, (or talk, as he called it) on the life and public services of Alexander Hamilton, of over an hour, which was listened to very attentively and was truly interesting.  We hope that the Captain will give us a talk every once in a while, as well as some others.  This society is fast gaining friends, and by a little effort among the farmers and others, it will do much good.   S.S.R.D.

Addison town has a new grocery store in operation.  Keister runs it.  (Boys don't throw dice, it may lead to bad habits.)

The [Addison] district schools are all occupied, save one colored district.  I understand they are wanting a teacher.  The wages paid teachers average about $100 per quarter.

Rev. Mr. Breare returned to our city on Saturday and will make it his future home.  His family, we understand, will return in the Spring.

The barn, with contents, of Mr. Joseph F. Jacobs, of Raccoon township, was destroyed by fire last week.

The post office address of Mr. John Worden, a carpenter, in this or adjoining counties, is wanted.  Send it to the Journal office.

The city Fire Wardens were circulating round for defective chimneys on Saturday.  They smelled out seven, and will report them. 

Two fellows went in on the corncrib of Mr. Andrew McClellan, above the city, and subtracted some of the cereal.  Thursday found them before 'Squire Logue, who, upon pleas of guilty, fined them $5 each.

One William Waldon, a young man of twenty-three, near the mouth of Raccoon Creek, was put in jail on Wednesday, as insane.  The unfortunate young man has become so from an intermittent fever.  Application has been made for his admission to the asylum at Athens.

The Gallipolis Journal       
December 17, 1874

Gatewood, Fuller & Co., have paid $25,000 in cash for labor, and $25,000 for lumber, this year.  This money nearly all goes into the hands of our merchants and farmers.  Nine-tenths of this money is brought from abroad for goods shipped.  Such enterprise should be encouraged.

On the night of the 7th inst., thieves entered the cellar of Mr. Lewis Dutton, at Cheshire, and carried off between one hundred and one hundred and fifty pounds of roll butter, four hams, a quantity of can-fruit, &c.  No arrests.

An enterprising, business firm of colored fellows has been started at the corner of Second and Olive streets, known as the Jerry Warner corner.  Crawford, Bell and Coleman are the men.

By letter from the postmaster at Barthholomew, Drew county, Arkansas, we learn that our old friend and subscriber, Mr. J. D. McAllister, is dead.  We regret to hear this as much as any of his many friends in Gallia.

William J. Preston, aged twenty-one years, son of Mr. James Preston, of Green township, died at the asylum at Athens Friday night.  He had been an inmate about six weeks.  His derangement was produced by fever.  The family has our sympathy.

Mr. William C. Bailey died at the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. Henry J. Shepard, on Thursday, of asthma.

Mrs. Summers, mother of Capt. J. H. Summers, slipped and fell, on Thursday, and broke a bone in her left forearm.  Dr. Wall set the bone, and the old lady is convalescing.  Capt. Summers is one of the pilots on the towboat Alex. Chambers.

Mrs. Rinderle, landlady at the Merchant's Horel was married to an Ironton German, one evening last week.

Mrs. Joseph Hunt is seriously ill at her residence in the upper end of the city.

The Gallipolis Journal       
December 24, 1874

The Returns All In.—It came to pass that about two years since a man who gave his name as F. Hartley sojourned through Gallia county selling rights to sell pruning shears, a new invention.  Three of our reliable, honest farmers entered into a contract with the dove-like Hartley to sell the shears, if possible, when he could furnish them, and signed contracts to this effect.  H. cut off part of these contracts, leaving them promissory notes.  Then he attempted to negotiate at our banks but failed.  The contract makers heard of their notes being offered and were alarmed, they having signed no promises to pay.  Nothing was heard of Hartley for some months, when he turned up in a jail in one of the up-river counties.  The notes the other day came to the surface in the hands of a Belmont county man, who wants the lucre.  The men flatly and very sensibly refuse to pay, and are waiting to be sued.  The signers of these contracts, out of which the promissory  notes were made, think hanging too good, tar too white, and feathers too ornamental for the rascal, and we will bet ten to one that they will hammer, maul, bruise, beat, pound, pummel and otherwise assault that pruning-shear man, if he ever appears upon this dunghill again.

A Clear Jail. Good-bye Boys!  The Way of the Transgressor is Easy.
     Thursday morning our citizens awoke to find the High Sheriff without company; his picked men having all forsaken him.  Wednesday night all the fellows confined in the county jail, five in number, went out to let the stink blow off of them, and have neglected or forgotten to come back to the old haunt.  The were Thomas Casebolt, charged with incest, Edmund Ralph, assault and battery, Floyd Hagar, hog stealing, Wise Burks and Herod Page, colored fellows, recently put in for petit larceny.  Hagar was one of the chaps who broke out last Spring.  He left a note stating that he would be back if he could find bail, otherwise there were serious doubts of his return.  The others left no parting word.
     The floor of the jail consists of stones about fifteen inches square, and from six to eight inches thick.  These were placed upon loose stones and dirt when the jail was constructed, with nothing to hold them down.  The prisoners lifted one of these stones from its place, and took away these pieces of loose rock.  This brought them to soft dirt which they easily removed with pieces of a split-bottomed chair which they had broken, and carried the dirt into the cells with the ash-pan.  They dug under the foundation stones of the building, which are not more than eighteen inches below the surface of the earth, and coming up about two feet outside the wall of the building found themselves as free as India's leopard.  The large quantity of dirt found in the cells, and the big hole dug show that they must have worked several days before getting out.
     The strange part of the story is that Casebolt and Ralph were seen outside of the jail on Wednesday.  This being the case they must have gone out on Tuesday night, and the other three covered the hole until the next night when they too made way for liberty.  Capt. Ripley was not at home on Wednesday, and Mrs. Ripley fed the prisoners, they calling for hash at five.  The Captain is making no exertions to re-capture the ex-prisoners, and, it is no part of his duty.
     That men should escape is not marvelous in the least, since it is notorious that the jail is wholly insecure.  Andbody can get out that wants out.  A crazy man confined therein last Summer smashed up all the inside fixings.  Boards are nailed over old holes, and new ones are being made.  Architects say the old jail can not be repaired to make it safe for much less than a new one can be built.  Majority against new jail last Fall, 1724.  In this situation what are we to do?  Now, echo, answer if you can.

The Gallipolis Journal       
December 31, 1874

The Marshal of Crown City brought a prisoner to our city, on Monday, to put him in jail for violation of his country's laws.  Here the prisoner secured the surety, and had the Marshal arrested for assault and battery.  Our city Marshal took the Crown City Marshal under his wing, and soon had him before 'Squire Kerr's court.  They, however, fixed matters up, and discharged the custodian of Crown City's peace.

On Friday morning, just below the city, Bailey Walker, Grant Walker and Walter Hebard were injured by the explosion of powder in a bottle.  They were severely burned about the face, but will recover,

W.H.H. Sisson, Esq., will enter upon the duties of Clerk of the Court the 2d Monday in February.  Mr. Jno. Hampton will remain in the office as deputy.

Our young friend, Mr. Will. S. Kerr, again takes possession of the Western Union Telegraph office in this city, to-day, Thursday.

Frequent bibulations made George White walk into the river at the foot of State street, on Saturday night.  Messrs. John Montgomery and S. A. Dunbar yanked the bather out.

Mr. E. T. Shepard, after some years' residence in the Kanawha valley, has returned to the city, and is clerking on the lower wharf-boat.

The thieves have been going for Mr. Charles Semon's oysters.  Friday evening they carried off four whole cans, and two or three half cans.

The five fellows who broke jail week before last have not been returned; neither have they sent any word as to their present pursuits.

Dr. J. T. Hanson, of Ceredo, W. Va., spent his Christmas in this city; so did Dr. W. T. Northup, of Winfield, W. Va.  They report business plenty, but money scarce.  Dr. D. W. Clancey, of Cincinnati, spent his Christmas with friends in this city.

One David Hutchings would affront the conventionalities of good society, out in Perry township the other day, by being disorderly and wanting to whip somebody.  He went into a store at Center Point, and wanted to scoop out the cove.  The belligerent mustang finds himself this morning alone in the cool, calm, quiet of the county jail.

One of the most interesting features of Christmas Day was the Calico Masquerade Ball, in Aleshire Hall, Christmas eve.  We laid aside the "muzzle of restraint" and went.  The disguises were excellent.  Had it not been for the aid of numerous friends, we would have left without knowing who's who.  We cannot speak of one without mentioning all, and that would take a column, for there must have been an hundred masked.  The masks were taken off just before midnight, after which a supper was served at the Thomasson House, and the dance kept up till morning.  The managers of this ball should be elected for life, as it could not have been more a success.  Let the M.M.M.'s long continue to chase the glowing hours.

Our citizens were greeted with some fine music Christmas day.  In the morning the Naomi Band held forth, and in the afternoon the Colored Band did the same.  Both did well.

Mr. Charles Carel has been induced to open a Dancing School.  The first meeting will be held at Frank's Hall, next Saturday evening, at 6 o'clock.  Mr. C. is well qualified for the work.

The police say that a chap succeeded in passing himself off upon a stranger as a policeman, the other night, and they are considerably "worrit" about it.  Remember our police are all uniformed.

"Granny" Shields is dead.  Our readers will remember her.  She was a kind old lady.

Last summer one James Gould, formerly from the shores of the shamrock, came to our city, and engaged himself to one of our jewelers to reconstruct unreliable chronometers.  He worked like a trooper for a few weeks, when he went to Point Pleasant.  He ingratiated himself among the Pointers, and started a one-horse jewelry store.  Among the juvenile and senile of that place he became the bully boy, and they entrusted their bull-eyes, stem-winders, patent levers, etc., for repairs.  When James had accumulated a half bushel or so of these Virginia time-keepers, he came to Gallipolis and took the hack for Portland.  The Pointers have known him no more in the flesh, and for the loss of their watches, tears came to the rescue of their lacerated hearts and relieved their sorrowing bosoms.  But such relief did not wholly satisfy.  They called upon Marshal Dale, who at once commenced telegraphing.  Saturday night he received a telegram from Washington, Pa., that they had the son of the shamrock, and awaited orders.  The Sheriff of Mason county has gone after the boy, and if we had the prospect of hades that he has of the Moundsville Penitentiary, we would embrace the stool of repentance instanter, and ask the prayers of the entire congregation.
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