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Morgan's Raiders (This link bring you to the full history of Morgan's 1863 raid.)

The Morgan Raid began in early July of 1863, starting just south of the Cumberland River in Tennessee. They rode through four states, (Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio) and over a thousand miles in about three and a half weeks. Some of the raiders came through Gallia County, but the decisive battle was fought just to the north at Buffington Island in Meigs County where Morgan's army would attempt to cross the Ohio River. Morgan, himself, and some of his men escaped capture there, but were caught on July 26 in northeastern Ohio.

The main body of Morgan's Raiders passed just to the north of Gallia County, but at least one Company passed through the Gallia County towns of Vinton and Porter. The day after the Battle of Buffington Island, Union forces fought with and captured some of Morgan's army in Cheshire Township.

There has, however, been some evidence recently gathered of at least one other incursion into Gallia County by Morgan's men. The source of this information comes from the three different newspaper articles listed below.

Jacob Riggs

Jacob Larrimer

Tea for Morgan's Raiders

All three of these newspaper articles appear to refer to the same incident. Jacob Riggs and Jacob Larrimer had been Squirrel Hunters in 1862. Although the Squirrel Hunters had been disbanded, they still were held loosely together as the Clay Township Militia. When Morgan appeared on the scene they regrouped quickly and were able to intercept some of Morgan's men, who had passed just west of Gallipolis heading south and were about to cross the Ohio River near Crown City. These would appear to be with the same group of Morgan's men encountered by Sarah Brookins as described in "Tea for Morgan's Raiders." She clearly describes the location of their farm as about four miles west of Gallipolis. Larrimer's account states that about 40 of Morgan's men passed back of Gallipolis and stated that some of Clay Township's soldiers mounted horses and followed them and captured some of them around Crown City.

There is one more newspaper article referring to a Gallia County encounter, but this one was located near Centerville, and probably refers to the same group of Morgan's men who passed through Vinton and Porter.

Hunters Rock